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Consumer interest in fresh, in-shell edamame and acceptance of edamame-based patties.


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Two studies were conducted to determine consumer interest in fresh, in-shell edamame (Glycine max) and acceptance of 2 edamame-based patties. An in-store consumer research study was conducted in metropolitan Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, to determine consumer demand for and interest in fresh, in-shell edamame. In fall of 2004, plastic clamshells of edamame were placed in the produce department of 4 supermarkets. The consumers who purchased the clamshells were asked to return a survey that was attached to the container. Of the 480 clamshells that were delivered to the 4 selected supermarkets, 312 (65.0%) were purchased and 33 (10.6%) of the surveys were returned. All respondents indicated that they had heard of or were familiar with edamame before purchasing the container, and 81.2% had previously purchased edamame. Results indicated that 51.6% of the respondents were more likely to purchase edamame because it was grown in Pennsylvania, and 84.4% were more likely to purchase it because it was grown without the use of pesticides. In addition, a friend's recommendation, price and sample of the product at the supermarket were rated highest among factors likely to affect the respondents' purchasing decisions regarding new produce items. Based on the total number of packages sold and the conversations with produce department managers, there appears to be a demand for fresh, in-shell edamame among supermarket consumers in metropolitan Philadelphia. A second study involving a consumer sensory evaluation was conducted in February 2005 to determine consumer acceptance of 2 edamame-based patties. 209 adults were involved, with 106 participants sampling the edamame-based patties on the first day and 103 on the second day. The participants were asked to rate the patty they sampled based on overall appeal, appearance and flavour on a scale of 1-9 points (1 point being "dislike extremely" and 9 points being "like extremely"). The overall mean liking scores for the 2 patties were 6.38 and 6.58 points, and the mean scores for flavour were 6.44 and 6.83 points on days 1 and 2, respectively. Based on the sample evaluated, 43.4 and 35.9% of the participants, each day, indicated that they "probably would buy" or "definitely would buy" this item from a supermarket. It is concluded that consumers find the 2 edamame-based patties acceptable, indicating the potential for commercial production. Across the 2 studies, the consumers express interest in purchasing fresh, in-shell edamame and edamame-based patties from a supermarket..
机译:进行了两项研究,以确定消费者对新鲜带壳毛豆(Glycine max)的兴趣以及是否接受两种基于毛豆的肉饼。在美国宾夕法尼亚州大都会费城进行了一项店内消费者研究,以确定消费者对新鲜带壳毛豆的需求和兴趣。 2004年秋天,毛豆塑料翻盖被放置在4家超市的生产部门中。购买翻盖的消费者被要求退还附在容器上的调查表。在运往选定的4家超市的480个翻盖中,购买了312个(占65.0%),退还了33个调查(占10.6%)。所有受访者均表示,在购买该容器之前,他们已经听说过或熟悉毛豆,有81.2%的人以前购买过毛豆。结果表明,有51.6%的受访者更有可能购买毛豆,因为它是在宾夕法尼亚州种植的;有84.4%的人更有可能购买它,因为它是在不使用农药的情况下种植的。此外,在可能影响受访者对新产品的购买决定的因素中,朋友推荐,超市的产品价格和样品评价最高。根据售出的包裹总数以及与产品部门经理的交谈,费城大都会超市消费者似乎对新鲜的带壳毛豆有需求。 2005年2月进行了第二项涉及消费者感官评估的研究,以确定消费者对2种基于毛豆的肉饼的接受程度。涉及209名成人,第一天有106名参与者采样了基于毛豆的肉饼,第二天有103名参与者进行了采样。要求参与者根据整体吸引力,外观和风味,以1-9分(1分为“非常不喜欢”和9分为“非常喜欢”)对他们采样的馅饼进行评分。 2个小馅饼的总体平均喜好评分分别为6.38和6.58分,风味的平均得分分别在第1天和第2天分别为6.44和6.83分。根据评估的样本,每天有43.4和35.9%的参与者表示他们“很可能会购买”或“肯定会从超市购买”该项目。结论是,消费者发现2种基于毛豆的肉饼是可以接受的,表明有商业生产的潜力。在这两项研究中,消费者表示有兴趣从超市购买带壳的毛豆和基于毛豆的新鲜肉饼。



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