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Performance of Sweetpotato Cultivars Grown Using Biodegradable Black Plastic Mulch in New Hampshire


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We evaluated the performance of several sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) cultivars grown on raised beds covered with biodegradable black mulch in New Hampshire. Six cultivars were evaluated over 4 years, and an additional four cultivars were evaluated in 2 or 3 years. Cultivars showed significant differences in marketable yield, percent cull, and percent small roots. The cultivars Covington and B94-14 Beauregard consistently produced high yields, whereas Vardaman consistently produced the lowest yields. 'Georgia Jet' exhibited variable performance, with marketable yields among the highest in 1 year and the lowest in another, largely because of a high percentage of cull roots due to severe cracking. Yields measured in our study compare favorably with average U.S. yields, with several cultivars producing over 400 50-lb bushels/acre in all years in which they were grown. In a 2-year study with the cultivar Beauregard, biodegradable mulch increased overall yields (marketable, cull, and small roots) as compared with bare ground production on raised beds. However, the percentage of culled roots was higher in mulch treatments, primarily due to breakage during digging, and the observed increases in marketable yields were not statistically significant.
机译:我们评估了在新罕布什尔州生长在覆盖有可生物降解的黑覆盖物的高床上的几种甘薯(番薯)品种的性能。在4年中对六个品种进行了评估,在2年或3年中对另外四个品种进行了评估。品种在可销售产量,剔除百分比和小根百分比上显示出显着差异。品种Covington和B94-14 Beauregard的产量始终很高,而Vardaman的产量始终最低。 “乔治亚喷气机”表现出可变的性能,适销对路的产量在一年中最高,而在另一年中最低,这在很大程度上是由于严重裂化造成的剔除根的百分比很高。在我们的研究中,测得的单产与美国平均单产相比具有可比性,在种植的所有年份中,有几个品种的单产高达400磅/蒲式耳。在一项针对Beauregard品种的为期2年的研究中,与裸露的高地床生产相比,可生物降解的覆盖物提高了整体产量(可销售,剔除和小根)。但是,地膜覆盖处理中根系清除的百分比更高,这主要是由于挖掘过程中的破损所致,而且观察到的可销售单产的增加在统计上也不显着。



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