首页> 外文期刊>HortTechnology >Transitional Effects of Double-lateral Drip Irrigation and Straw Mulch on Irrigation Water Consumption, Mineral Nutrition, Yield, and Storability of Sweet Cherry

Transitional Effects of Double-lateral Drip Irrigation and Straw Mulch on Irrigation Water Consumption, Mineral Nutrition, Yield, and Storability of Sweet Cherry


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A field trial was conducted on a Cherryhill silt loam soil at The Dalles, OR, from 2006 to 2008. The impacts of switching from the traditional micro sprinkler irrigation (MS) to double-lateral drip irrigation (DD) and from no groundcover with herbicide control of weeds (NC) to in-row wheat (Triticum aestivum) straw mulching (ST) were evaluated in a split-plot design with four replicates. Irrigation water use, mineral nutrition, and productivity of 'Lapins' sweet cherry (Prunus avium) on 'Mazzard' rootstock (P. avium) and soil quality were measured on a plot basis. DD reduced irrigation water consumption by 47.6% to 58.2% compared with MS. Straw mulch lowered irrigation water use by 9.7% relative to NC. Total fruit yield and fruit quality of firmness, size, and sugar at harvest were similar for the irrigation treatments. Straw mulch increased fruit size by 0.6 mm on average relative to NC, which could result in increased grower profitability. The DD system enhanced percentage of marketable fruit by 8.6% relative to MS. Leaf phosphorus (P), boron (B), zinc (Zn), and iron (Fe) concentrations were reduced with DD over MS; consequently, more P, B, Zn, and Fe fertilizers might be needed under DD. Straw mulch markedly decreased the populations of flagellates and amoebae but slightly increased the population of ciliates. Straw mulch resulted in a soil microbial community with remarkably less protozoa. Overall, DD is a viable alternate irrigation system for producing sweet cherry orchards with limited water resources for irrigation. Switching from NC to ST could lower irrigation water use, reduce herbicide runoff, and protect soil from erosion.
机译:从2006年到2008年,在俄勒冈州达勒斯的Cherryhill淤泥质壤土上进行了田间试验。从传统的微喷灌(MS)改为双侧滴灌(DD)以及从无除草剂的地被覆盖的影响以一式四份的重复样地设计评估了杂草(NC)对行内小麦(Triticum aestivum)秸秆覆盖(ST)的控制。在样地上测量了灌溉用水,矿物质营养以及'Mazzard'砧木(P. avium)上'Lapins'甜樱桃(Prunus avium)的生产力和土壤质量。与MS相比,DD减少了灌溉用水量47.6%至58.2%。相对于NC,秸秆覆盖降低了灌溉用水9.7%。灌溉处理的总果实产量和硬度,大小和糖分的果实品质相似。相对于NC,秸秆覆盖平均使果实大小增加0.6毫米,这可能会增加种植者的获利能力。相对于MS,DD系统将可销售水果的百分比提高了8.6%。 DD比MS降低了叶磷(P),硼(B),锌(Zn)和铁(Fe)的浓度;因此,DD下可能需要更多的P,B,Zn和Fe肥料。秸秆覆盖明显减少了鞭毛和变形虫的数量,但纤毛虫的数量却略有增加。秸秆覆盖导致土壤微生物群落的原生动物明显减少。总体而言,DD是可行的替代灌溉系统,用于生产灌溉用水有限的甜樱桃园。从NC改为ST可以减少灌溉用水,减少除草剂径流并保护土壤免受侵蚀。



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