首页> 外文期刊>HortScience >Screening for Resistance to Verticillium Wilt in Spinach and Isolation of Verticillium dahliae from Seed of Spinach Accessions

Screening for Resistance to Verticillium Wilt in Spinach and Isolation of Verticillium dahliae from Seed of Spinach Accessions


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Verticillium dahliae is a pathogen of spinach (Spinacia oleracea) during spinach seed crop production but not in vegetative leafy spinach crops, because plants remain asymptomatic until bolting has been initiated (conversion from vegetative to reproductive growth). The objectives of this research were to evaluate a set of USDA spinach germplasm accessions for resistance to Verticillium wilt and to determine the range in incidence of natural seed infection/infestation in a subset of the USDA spinach accessions screened for resistance. A total of 120 Spinacia spp. accessions from the USDA North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station spinach germplasm collection and 10 commercial S. oleracea hybrids were screened for resistance to V. dahliae in Trials 1, 2, and 3 in 2006, 2007, and 2008, respectively, in greenhouse evaluations. Each accession was grown in either V. dahliae-infested or non-infested potting mix and rated weekly on a seven-step scale from 1 week before bolting to 4 weeks after bolting. A wide range of disease severity ratings was observed among the accessions evaluated. Most of the accessions were highly susceptible. There was no evidence of qualitative resistance but some showed greater levels of quantitative resistance than others. Plants in soil infested with V. dahliae senesced faster and had significantly reduced biomass compared with plants in non-infested soil of the same accession. In addition, in Trial 2 (2007), 34% (20 of 59) of the seed samples assayed of the accessions were infested or infected with V. dahliae; and in Trial 3, (2008) 16% (21 of 130) of the seed samples of the USDA accessions evaluated were infested or infected with V. dahliae, V. tricorpus, or Gibellulopsis nigrescens (formerly known as V. nigrescens). These results are valuable for characterizing potential genetic variability within spinach germplasm for resistance to V. dahliae.
机译:黄萎病菌是菠菜种子农作物生产过程中的菠菜病原体(Spinacia oleracea),但在植物性叶茂盛的菠菜作物中却不是,因为植物在开始抽plants之前一直无症状(从营养生长向生殖生长转变)。这项研究的目的是评估一组对黄萎病具有抗性的美国农业部菠菜种质资源,并确定经过筛选的抗性美国农业部菠菜种质中自然种子感染/侵染的发生范围。总共120个菠菜属。在温室评估中,分别在2006年,2007年和2008年的试验1、2和3中,筛选了USDA北部中部植物引入站菠菜种质收集品和10个商品油菜杂交种对大丽花的抗性。每种种质均在大麦草感染或未感染的盆栽混合物中生长,从抽before前的1周到抽after后的4周,以七步法每周评估一次。在评估的种质中观察到广泛的疾病严重度等级。大多数种是高度易感的。没有证据表明有定性抗性,但有些人比其他人表现出更高的定量抗性水平。与相同品种的未受侵染土壤中的植物相比,被大黄弧菌侵染的土壤中植物的感觉更快,生物量显着减少。另外,在试验2(2007)中,34%(59份中的20份)种子样品被大黄弧菌侵染或感染。 (3)(2008年),被评估的USDA种子样品中有16%(130个中的21个)被大麦弧菌,三体弧菌或黑斑病菌(以前称为V. nigrescens)侵染或感染。这些结果对于表征菠菜种质内对大丽花抗性的潜在遗传变异性是有价值的。



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