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Geochemical preservation potential of high-grade calcite marble versus dolomite marble: implication for isotope chemostratigraphy


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The Neoproterozoic Hekkelstrand Marble from the North-Central Norwegian Catedonides contains a calcite marble unit hosting a commercially exploited white dolomite marble deposit, which underwent polyphase amphibolite-facies, Scandian metamorphism. Major and trace element geochemistry, delta(18)O, delta(13)C and Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios have been used to define isotopic differences between interbedded calcite and dolomite marbles and to assess their post-depositional isotopic resetting. A high strontium concentration in the calcite marble (up to 1200 ppm) suggests an aragonitic lime mudstone precursor, and its least-altered delta(13)C (+4 parts per thousand V-PDB), delta(18)O (27 parts per thousand V-SMOW) and Sr-87/Sr-86 (0.70615 to 0.70624) ratios are consistent with 700-600 Ma seawater. The dolomite marbles contain minor relics of the calcite (aragonite?) precursor, despite pervasive dolomitisation. The average Mn (44 ppm) and Fe (1041 ppm) contents of the dolomite marbles are comparable with those measured in the host calcite marbles and much lower than those reported from non-metamorphosed dolostones of a similar Neoproterozoic age. The dolomite marbles have an average Sr content of 115 ppm. An average Mg/Ca ratio of 0.56 is lower than that for stoichiometric dolomite (0.62) and is controlled mainly by remnant inclusions of precursor calcite. Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios range between 0.70725 and 0.71034. The least-altered delta(13)C of +6 parts per thousand and delta(18)O of -30 parts per thousand suggest a high degree of isotopic preservation of the dolomite. The dolomite marbles are isotopically heavier (both delta(18)O and delta(13)C) by -2 parts per thousand on average compared with the calcite marble, thus suggesting a pre-metamorphic, lower-temperature, isotopic equilibrium. The dolomite was apparently originally precipitated from 600 to 700 Ma seawater-dominated fluids. The Sr-87/Sr-86 ratio was modified by post-depositional processes. The high delta(13)C and delta(18)O values and the low Mn content of the bulk dolomite marbles are not consistent with common meteoric diagenesis or metamorphic alteration. The highest Sr-87/Sr-86 ratio of 0.70868 suggests that the earlier dolomite was apparently modified by ca. 560 Ma seawater or by meteoric water considerably buffered by ca. 560 Ma limestones. The most significant geochemical and isotopic modification of the dolomite took place during metamorphism. This has been observed across the dolomite marble-silicate rock contacts over a limited distance of < 0.5 in where C and 0 isotope systems were reset by up to -4.5 parts per thousand and -9.7 parts per thousand, respectively, the Sr-87/Sr-86 ratio increased by up to 0.0012, whereas the Fe, Mn and Sr concentrations have increased by factors of similar to 80, similar to 15 and similar to 1.5, respectively. The dolomite marbles, despite amphibolitc-facies polyphase metamorphic alterations, have preserved high delta(18)O and delta(13)C values, which can be utilised for chronostratigraphic purposes, whereas Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios provide insights into the composition of the post-depositional fluids. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:来自挪威中北部Catedonides的新元古代Hekkelstrand大理石包含方解石大理石单元,该方解石单元拥有商业开采的白色白云岩大理石矿床,该矿床经历了多相闪石相,斯堪的变质作用。主要和微量元素地球化学,δ(18)O,δ(13)C和Sr-87 / Sr-86比值已用于定义层间方解石和白云石大理石之间的同位素差异,并评估它们的沉积后同位素复位。方解石大理石中的高锶浓度(高达1200 ppm)表明是文石石灰泥岩前驱体,其δ(13)C(+4 V / PDB)变化最小,δ(18)O(27份)每千V-SMOW)和Sr-87 / Sr-86(0.70615至0.70624)之比与700-600 Ma海水一致。尽管普遍的白云石化作用,白云石大理石仍含有少量的方解石(文石?)前体。白云石大理石的平均Mn(44 ppm)和Fe(1041 ppm)含量与方解石大理石中的含量相当,远低于类似新元古代的未变质白云岩所报告的含量。白云石大理石的平均Sr含量为115 ppm。平均Mg / Ca比为0.56,低于化学计量的白云石(0.62),并且主要受前体方解石的残留夹杂物控制。 Sr-87 / Sr-86的比率介于0.70725和0.71034之间。千变万化的δ(13)C最少,千分之十八(18)O最少,表明白云石的同位素保存程度很高。与方解石大理石相比,白云石大理石的同位素较重(δ(18)O和delta(13)C)平均为千分之二-2,因此暗示了变质前的低温同位素平衡。显然,白云岩最初是从600至700 Ma的海水为主的流体中沉淀出来的。 Sr-87 / Sr-86的比例通过沉积后工艺进行了修改。大块白云石大理石的高δ(13)C和δ(18)O值以及低Mn含量与常见的陨石成岩作用或变质作用不一致。 Sr-87 / Sr-86的最高比率为0.70868,表明较早的白云岩显然被ca改性。大约560 Ma的海水或流星雨水,大约被ca缓冲。 560 Ma石灰石。在变质过程中,白云岩发生了最重要的地球化学和同位素修饰。在小于0.5的有限距离内的白云岩大理石-硅酸盐岩接触中观察到了这一点,其中C和0同位素系统分别被分别重置了Sr-87 / S的最高-4.5千分率和-9.7千分率。 Sr-86的比例增加了高达0.0012,而Fe,Mn和Sr的浓度分别增加了约80,约15和1.5。尽管有闪石相多相变质作用,但白云石大理石仍保留了较高的delta(18)O和delta(13)C值,可用于年代地层学目的,而Sr-87 / Sr-86比率可提供对成分的了解沉积后的液体。 (c)2004 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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