首页> 外文期刊>The American mineralogist >Ti- and Zr-minerals in calcite-dolomite marbles from the ultrahigh-pressure Kimi Complex, Rhodope mountains, Greece: Implications for the P-T evolution based on reaction textures, petrogenetic grids, and geothermobarometry

Ti- and Zr-minerals in calcite-dolomite marbles from the ultrahigh-pressure Kimi Complex, Rhodope mountains, Greece: Implications for the P-T evolution based on reaction textures, petrogenetic grids, and geothermobarometry


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Rutile, titanite, and zircon formed as relatively coarse-grained accessory minerals in several samples of high-grade calcite-dolomite marble with an early ultrahigh-pressure history. These minerals decomposed to a texturally complex set of secondary minerals during subsequent stages of retrograde metamorphism. The reactions involve several generations of geikielite-ilmenite as well as zirconolite [(Ca,Th,U)Zr(Ti,Fe,Nb,Ta)2O7], kassite/cafetite [CaTi2O4(OH)2/CaTi2O5·H2O], Ti-bearing humite group minerals, thorianite, and sometimes euxenite [(Ca,U,Th,REE)(Nb,Ta,Ti)2(O,OH)6]. Stable coexistence of zircon and olivine is observed and stably coexisting titanite with olivine and/or humite-group minerals is reported here for the first time outside of carbonatites, kimberlites, or lamprophyres. Petrogenetic grids constructed for Ti- and Zr-bearing olivine/antigorite-saturated calcite-dolomite marbles show that geikielite is stable at highest pressures, followed by titanite and rutile, and that baddeleyite + diopside replaces zircon + calcite to higher pressures. The observed reaction textures are consistent with an earlier derived P-T path for the Kimi Complex. They corroborate a period of heating during decompression from 25 to 20 kbar and ca. 800 °C, where the assemblage olivine-diopside-spinel-rutile-zircon formed. This assemblage partially re-equilibrated during subsequent decompression and cooling, thus forming the observed reaction textures. Even though no memory of the UHP path is preserved in the accessory minerals, their reaction relationships turn out to be potentially very useful for geothermobarometry over a large range of metamorphic conditions.
机译:金红石,钛矿和锆石在早期超高压历史的几个高级方解石-白云石大理石样品中形成为相对粗粒的辅助矿物。这些矿物在逆行变质的后续阶段分解为质地复杂的次要矿物。反应涉及几代的辉绿岩-钛铁矿以及锆石[[Ca,Th,U)Zr(Ti,Fe,Nb,Ta)2O7],钾铁矾/ Cafetite [CaTi2O4(OH)2 / CaTi2O5·H2O],Ti含腐殖质族矿物,菱锰矿,有时还包括欧风石[(Ca,U,Th,REE)(Nb,Ta,Ti)2(O,OH)6]。观察到锆石和橄榄石稳定共存,并且首次报道了在碳酸盐岩,金伯利岩或煌斑岩之外,钛矿与橄榄石和/或腐殖质族矿物稳定共存。为含Ti和Zr的橄榄石/反蛇纹石-方解石-白云石大理石构造的成岩网格显示,geikielite在最高压力下是稳定的,其次是钛矿和金红石,而高钙钛矿+透辉石取代锆石+方解石到更高的压力。观察到的反应纹理与Kimi Complex的较早导出的P-T路径一致。他们证实了在减压期间从25到20 kbar ca. 800°C,形成了橄榄石-透辉石-尖晶石-金红石-锆石组合。该组合物在随后的减压和冷却过程中部分重新平衡,从而形成观察到的反应质地。即使在辅助矿物质中没有保留UHP路径的记忆,它们的反应关系对于大范围变质条件下的地热气压计也可能非常有用。



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