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'Niche modeling': that uncomfortable sensation means it's working. A reply to McInerny and Etienne


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I thank McInerny and Etienne for their comments [1] on my article in TREE[2]. First, two points of clarification. I stated that ‘…models estimate some subset of the conditions within which a species can survive and reproduce (i.e., the niche)’ [2]. McInerny and Etienne interpreted the parenthetical statement as referring to the subset of conditions rather than the entire set. That was not my intent and I apologize for not making my meaning clear. They also suggest that I had said that Elith and Leathwick favored the term Species Distribution Modeling (SDM) ‘in order to retreat from ecology’. I was in fact discussing a more general retreat from the terms Ecological or Environmental Niche Modeling (ENM) based on ‘skepticism and uncertainty about these models…’, of which Elith and Leathwick were one example. Elith and Leathwick's stated motivation for SDM terminology is ‘…a healthy skepticism about which components of the niche are represented by predictions from an SDM’ [3], clearly indicating that they advocate SDM terminology out of uncertainty about the interpretation of the models. I admire that paper and its authors and I do not want to be perceived as misrepresenting them.
机译:感谢McInerny和Etienne对TREE [2]中我的文章的评论[1]。首先,有两点需要澄清。我说过“……模型估计了物种可以生存和繁殖(即小生境)的部分条件” [2]。 McInerny和Etienne将括号内的陈述解释为是指条件的子集而不是整个条件。那不是我的意图,对于未能明确说明我深表歉意。他们还暗示,我曾说过Elith和Leathwick赞成“物种分布建模(SDM)”一词,意思是“为了远离生态学”。实际上,我在讨论基于“对这些模型的怀疑和不确定性……”的生态或环境生态位模型(ENM)术语的更一般的退缩,其中Elith和Leathwick是一个例子。 Elith和Leathwick对SDM术语的表述动机是“……对生境的哪些组成部分由SDM的预测表示健康的怀疑” [3],清楚地表明,他们出于模型解释的不确定性而提倡SDM术语。我很欣赏这篇论文及其作者,但我不想被误认为他们。



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