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Successful administration of rituximab-bendamustine regimen in the relapse of Hodgkin lymphoma after autologous hemopoietic stem cell transplantation


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Objectives. Treatment options for relapsing Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) are controversial after autologous hemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Nevertheless, allogeneic HSCT may be curative if it is performed in complete remission. Case report. In 2007, a 22-year-old female patient was diagnosed with nodular sclerosis subtype of classical HL. Her clinical stage was IIAX with unfavorable prognosis. Eight courses of doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine and dacarbazine chemotherapy and involved field irradiation were applied, but after 3 months of complete remission, disseminated relapse was recognised by 18FDG-PET/CT. After two cycles of salvage dexamethasone, cisplatinum, and cytosine arabinoside therapy, further progression was noticed, so the treatment was modified to ifosfamide, gemcitabine, vinorelbine, and prednisone (IGEV) regimen. After two cycles of IGEV regimen, she achieved a complete metabolic remission, which was confirmed by a 18FDG-PET/CT scan again. She was referred for autologous-HSCT, and a successful stem cell collection was performed in August 2008. However, a rapid progression was detected again, so total body irradiation was applied before the conditioning therapy with R-mini-BEAM regimen. The 18FDG-PET/CT scan performed 100days after the autologous-HSCT was still positive. In December 2009, multiple nodal and extranodal progression was detected, so ifosfamide, carboplatine, etoposide, mesna protection rescue treatment was started, but it was ineffective. Based on sporadic data of the literature, rituximab-bendamustine therapy was started in March 2010. After four cycles, she achieved complete metabolic remission, which was verified by 18FDG-PET/CT. The patient has been referred for an allogeneic HSCT with reduced intensity conditioning. Conclusions. Based on our experience, bendamustine-rituximab salvage therapy can be a suitable option for the treatment of post-transplant progression or relapse of HL.
机译:目标。自体造血干细胞移植(HSCT)后,复发性霍奇金淋巴瘤(HL)的治疗选择引起争议。然而,如果完全缓解,进行同种异体造血干细胞移植可能是治愈性的。案例报告。 2007年,一名22岁的女性患者被诊断为经典HL的结节性硬化亚型。她的临床分期为IIAX,预后不良。进行了八个疗程的阿霉素,博来霉素,长春碱和达卡巴嗪化学疗法并涉及野外照射,但在完全缓解3个月后,18FDG-PET / CT识别为弥散性复发。经过两个周期的地塞米松,顺铂和胞嘧啶阿糖胞苷抢救治疗后,发现病情进一步恶化,因此将治疗修改为异环磷酰胺,吉西他滨,长春瑞滨和强的松(IGEV)方案。经过两个周期的IGEV方案治疗后,她实现了完全的代谢缓解,这再次通过18FDG-PET / CT扫描证实。她被转诊为自体造血干细胞移植,并于2008年8月成功收集了干细胞。但是,再次检测到进展迅速,因此在进行R-mini-BEAM方案的调理治疗之前进行了全身照射。自体HSCT呈阳性后100天进行18FDG-PET / CT扫描。 2009年12月,检测到多个结节和结外进展,因此开始进行异环磷酰胺,卡铂,依托泊苷,mesna保护性抢救治疗,但无效。基于零星的文献资料,利妥昔单抗-苯达莫司汀于2010年3月开始治疗。经过四个周期的治疗,她达到了完全的代谢缓解,并通过18FDG-PET / CT进行了验证。已为患者转诊了强度降低的异基因HSCT。结论。根据我们的经验,苯达莫司汀-利妥昔单抗挽救疗法可能是治疗移植后进展或HL复发的合适选择。



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