首页> 外文期刊>The Madras Agricultural Journal >Effect of urea and sludge based compost application on the yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Effect of urea and sludge based compost application on the yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)


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Wheat is accorded a premier place among the cereals because of the vast acreage devoted to its cultivation, its high nutritive value and its association with some of the earliest and most important civilizations of the world. India now ranks as the second largest wheat producer in the world. Out of the total world production of 595 m. tonnes, India produces about 66,5 m. tonnes with a productivity of 2700 kg/ha. Land application of sewage sludge provides an effective method of waste disposal which also recycles valuable nutrients into the soil-plant system (Maiti et al., 1992). Sewage sludge contains considerable amounts of major and minor plant nutrients and it has the potential as a substitute for commercial mineral fertiliser (Halderson and Zenz, 1978). With a view to find out the influence of the sludge based compost, the present investigation was conducted tO study the most suitable nitrogenous fertilisre for wheat crop during the rabi season.
机译:小麦因其广泛的耕种面积,高营养价值以及与世界上最早,最重要的文明的交往而在谷物中占有重要地位。印度现在是世界第二大小麦生产国。在世界总产量中占595 m。吨,印度产量约6650万。吨,生产力为2700公斤/公顷。土地污泥的土地利用提供了一种有效的废物处理方法,该方法还将有价值的养分循环到土壤-植物系统中(Maiti等,1992)。污水污泥含有大量的主要和次要植物养分,有潜力替代商业化肥(Halderson and Zenz,1978)。为了找出污泥堆肥的影响,本研究旨在研究狂犬病季节最适合小麦作物的氮肥。



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