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Cowtown Holsteins - A Great Herd... and More

机译:Cowtown Holsteins-大牛群...以及更多

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In Vermont's Northeast Kingdom, Doug Nelson has put together a fabulous Registered Holstein herd. And that's not all. His operations include extensive dairy farming, dairy technology, elk breeding and a game farm, even a popular restaurant, along witha commitment to family and service to his community. In the tile floor of the entryway to the tie-stall show barn, visitors to Cowtown see an inlay portrait of Nelacres Johanna Senator, a Thonyma Ormsby Senator son bred by owner Doug Nelson that had a fine career in the 1970s at Eastern Breeders Inc., in Ontario. This image represents how Nelson, 63, an energetic but unassuming Vermont native has come full circle from a farmer-breeder herd, through the ranks of large-scale dairying and now fully back with a truly outstanding purebred herd that today is one of the very best anywhere
机译:在佛蒙特州的东北王国,道格·尼尔森(Doug Nelson)汇集了一支神话般的注册荷斯坦牛群。不仅如此。他的业务包括广泛的奶牛养殖,奶业技术,麋鹿育种和野味农场,甚至是颇受欢迎的餐厅,以及对家庭和对社区的服务的承诺。在领带摊位展示间入口处的瓷砖地板上,到牛镇的游客可以看到Nelacres Johanna参议员的镶嵌肖像,这是Thonyma Ormsby参议员的儿子,由其所有者道格·纳尔逊(Doug Nelson)育出,他在1970年代在东部育种公司工作过。 ,在安大略省。这张照片代表了现年63岁的纳尔逊(Nelson)这位精力充沛但谦虚的佛蒙特人如何从一个农牧民牛群走到了一个完整的圈子,经过了大规模的奶业行列,如今又回到了一个真正杰出的纯种牛群,如今,这是当今最重要的纯种牛之一。最好的地方



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