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Smoking cessation intervention practices in Chinese physicians: do gender and smoking status matter?


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Healthcare settings provide a major arena for administering smoking cessation interventions. However, few studies have reported differences in the frequency of practice in healthcare professionals by gender and smoking status. This might also be influenced by a difference in smoking prevalence by gender, especially in China and other developing countries. This study examined factors associated with the frequency of cessation intervention practices by smoking status among Chinese physicians in men and women. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2006 in physicians with direct patient contact from nine hospitals in Guangzhou with a response rate of 60.8%. Significantly more female physicians who were non-smokers (79.7%) reported "initiation and/or advice" smoking cessation interventions than male physicians who were smokers (71.2%) and non-smokers (71.6%). Factors significantly associated with "initiation and/or advice" were prior smoking cessation training (OR = 4.2, 95% CI 1.8-9.6) and lack of knowledge to help patients to quit (OR = 0.4, 95% CI 0.2-0.9) among male physicians who smoked; and organisational support (OR = 1.7, 95% CI 1.3-2.2) and successful past experience (OR = 0.4, 95% CI 0.2-1.0) among male physicians who did not smoke. Among female physicians who did not smoke, significant factors were agreeing that quitting smoking is the most cost-effective way to prevent chronic disease and cancer (OR = 3.0, 95% CI 1.4-6.1), helping patients stop smoking is part of expected role and responsibility (OR = 2.0, 95% CI 1.0-3.7), lack of knowledge to help patients to quit (OR = 0.5, 95% CI 0.2-1.0) and organisational support (OR = 1.3, 95% CI 1.0-1.6) for non-smoking female physicians. This study is the first to show that male physicians were less likely to provide smoking cessation counselling regardless of their smoking status while non-smoking female physicians were more active in advising patients on quitting. The findings highlight the need for developing tailored smoking cessation training programmes for physicians according to their smoking status and gender in China.
机译:医疗机构为戒烟干预措施的实施提供了重要场所。但是,很少有研究报告按性别和吸烟状况在医疗保健专业人员中的执业频率存在差异。这也可能受到性别吸烟率差异的影响,尤其是在中国和其他发展中国家。这项研究调查了中国男性和女性医师通过吸烟状况进行戒烟干预的频率。 2006年对广州市9家医院的直接与患者直接接触的医生进行了横断面调查,答复率为60.8%。报告为“戒烟和/或建议”戒烟干预措施的女性非吸烟者(79.7%)比男性吸烟者(71.2%)和非吸烟者(71.6%)多。与“发起和/或建议”密切相关的因素是先前的戒烟培训(OR = 4.2,95%CI 1.8-9.6)和缺乏帮助患者戒烟的知识(OR = 0.4,95%CI 0.2-0.9)。吸烟的男医生;和不吸烟的男性医生的组织支持(OR = 1.7,95%CI 1.3-2.2)和成功的过去经验(OR = 0.4,95%CI 0.2-1.0)。在不吸烟的女性医生中,重要因素同意,戒烟是预防慢性疾病和癌症的最经济有效的方法(OR = 3.0,95%CI 1.4-6.1),帮助患者戒烟是预期作用的一部分和责任感(OR = 2.0,95%CI 1.0-3.7),缺乏帮助患者戒烟的知识(OR = 0.5,95%CI 0.2-1.0)和组织支持(OR = 1.3,95%CI 1.0-1.6)适用于非吸烟女性医师。这项研究是第一个表明男性医生不太可能提供戒烟咨询的方法,而不论他们的吸烟状况如何,而不吸烟的女性医生则更积极地建议患者戒烟。研究结果强调,有必要根据中国医生的吸烟状况和性别,为其量身定制戒烟培训计划。



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