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Cavernomas of the human brainstem: 3-dimensional reconstruction from histological slides using computerized techniques


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Cerebral cavernous malformations (CCMs) are described as vascular lesions consisting of endothelial-lined dilated vessels embedded in a connective tissue sheath without intervening parenchyma between them. Their anatomical connections with the normal blood vessels are still enigmatic and the fine three-dimensional (3-D) organization of these vascular lesions remains to be established. Two stacks of serial histological slices, obtained from two brainstem CCM lesions (from the necropsy of a CCM2 male patient), were stained using Masson's trichrome method and then digitized. Stacks of regions of interest underwent quasi-automatic processing: 1) propagative registering using blockmatching algorithms and Brain Visa programs; 2) 3-D segmentation using Aphelion; 3) display with Anatomist or ImageVis3D. These first histological 3-D reconstructions show the external limits of the caverns defined as the external limit of their collagen sheath. These pictures not only reveal the gross spatial organization of the lesions, but due to their high resolution (4 μm) and with the help of simple anaglyphic 3-D rendering, they also allow the visualization of connections between caverns and very small blood vessels.
机译:脑海绵状畸形(CCM)被描述为血管病变,由包埋在结缔组织鞘膜中的内皮衬里的扩张血管组成,而它们之间没有间壁实质。它们与正常血管的解剖联系仍然是神秘的,这些血管病变的精细三维(3-D)组织仍有待建立。从两个脑干CCM病变处(从CCM2男性患者的尸检中获得)获得的两叠系列组织切片,使用Masson三色染色法染色,然后进行数字化处理。感兴趣的区域堆栈经过准自动处理:1)使用块匹配算法和Brain Visa程序进行传播式注册; 2)使用Aphelion进行3D分割; 3)用解剖学家或ImageVis3D显示。这些最初的组织学3D重建显示了洞穴的外部界限,其定义为胶原鞘的外部界限。这些图片不仅揭示了病变的总体空间组织,而且由于其高分辨率(4μm)并借助简单的浮雕3D渲染,还可以显示洞穴与非常小的血管之间的连接。



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