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Demographic and socio-cultural correlates of medical mistrust in two Australian States: Victoria and South Australia


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Studies on medical mistrust have mainly focused on depicting the association between medical mistrust and access/utilization of healthcare services. The effect of broader socio-demographic and psycho-social factors on medical mistrust remains poorly documented. The study examined the effect of broader socio-demographic factors, acculturation, and discrimination on medical mistrust among 425 African migrants living in Victoria and South Australia, Australia. After adjusting for socio-demographic factors, low medical mistrust scores (i.e., more trusting of the system) were associated with refugee (β=-4.27, p<0.01) and family reunion (β=-4.01, p<0.01) migration statuses, being Christian (β=-2.21, p<0.001), and living in rural or village areas prior to migration (β=-2.09, p<0.05). Medical mistrust did not vary by the type of acculturation, but was positively related to perceived personal (β=0.43, p<0.001) and societal (β=0.38, p<0.001) discrimination. In order to reduce inequalities in healthcare access and utilisation and health outcomes, programs to enhance trust in the medical system among African migrants and to address discrimination within the community are needed.
机译:关于医疗不信任的研究主要集中于描述医疗不信任与医疗服务的获取/利用之间的关联。广泛的社会人口统计学和心理社会因素对医疗不信任感的影响仍然鲜有文献记载。该研究调查了居住在维多利亚州和南澳大利亚州的425名非洲移民中,更广泛的社会人口因素,适应和歧视对医疗不信任的影响。在调整了社会人口因素后,医疗不信任感评分较低(即,对系统的信任度更高)与难民(β= -4.27,p <0.01)和家庭团聚(β= -4.01,p <0.01)的移民状况相关。 ,是基督徒(β= -2.21,p <0.001),并且在迁移之前居住在农村或乡村地区(β= -2.09,p <0.05)。医学上的不信任没有随文化类型的变化而变化,但与感知到的个人歧视(β= 0.43,p <0.001)和社会歧视(β= 0.38,p <0.001)呈正相关。为了减少医疗保健获取,利用和健康结果方面的不平等,需要制定计划以增强非洲移民对医疗系统的信任并解决社区内部的歧视。



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