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Assessment of the impact of market regulation in Mali on the price of essential medicines provided through the private sector.


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OBJECTIVE: In 1998, the government of Mali adopted a national pharmaceutical policy aimed at promoting a supply system for generic essential medicines that would guarantee equal access for all citizens. Distribution and delivery is a shared responsibility of both public and private sectors (wholesalers and pharmacies). To influence private sector behaviour, the national policy uses a combination of government regulation and market forces. In 2006, the government issued a decree fixing maximum prices in the private sector for 107 prescription drugs from the national list of 426 essential medicines. The current study assessed the impact of this intervention on the evolution of market prices (wholesale and retail), and the subsequent availability and public access to essential medicines in Mali. METHODS: A cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted in February and May 2006, and January 2009, with 16 wholesalers and 30 private drugstores in Bamako, Mali. RESULTS: The overall availability of essential medicines at private wholesalers (p=1) and pharmacies (p=0.53) was identical before and after the enforcement of the 2006 decree fixing maximum drug prices. Contrary to concerns expressed by wholesalers and pharmacies, and the other stakeholders, the decree did not impact negatively on availability of essential medicines. In fact, median wholesale prices in 2009 were 25.6% less than those fixed by the decree. In private pharmacies, retail prices were only 3% more expensive than the recommended prices, compared with being 25.5% more expensive prior to enforcement of the decree. CONCLUSIONS: The study shows that prices of essential medicines in Mali have evolved favourably towards the prices recommended by the government decree. Further, the study contributes to mounting evidence that market regulation by governments does not necessarily negatively affect drug availability; in fact, given the reduction in prices, the study shows that Malians arguably have better access to more affordable essential medicines.
机译:目标:1998年,马里政府通过了一项国家药品政策,旨在促进通用基本药物的供应系统,该系统将确保所有公民平等获得药物。分发和交付是公共部门和私营部门(批发商和药房)的共同责任。为了影响私营部门的行为,国家政策结合了政府法规和市场力量。 2006年,政府发布了一项法令,确定了426种基本药物的国家清单中的107种处方药在私营部门的最高价格。本研究评估了这种干预措施对市场价格(批发和零售)以及随后在马里的基本药物的可获得性和公众可获得性的影响。方法:于2006年2月,5月和2009年1月进行了横断面描述性调查,在马里巴马科对16家批发商和30家私营药店进行了调查。结果:2006年法令确定最高药品价格之前和之后,私营批发商(p = 1)和药房(p = 0.53)的基本药品的总体供应情况是相同的。与批发商和药房以及其他利益相关者表达的关注相反,该法令并未对基本药物的供应产生负面影响。实际上,2009年批发价格中值比该法令确定的价格低25.6%。在私人药房中,零售价格仅比建议价格贵3%,而在执行该法令之前,零售价格贵25.5%。结论:研究表明,马里基本药物的价格已朝着政府法令建议的价格发展。此外,该研究有助于获得越来越多的证据,表明政府的市场监管并不一定会对药品的供应产生负面影响;实际上,鉴于价格下降,该研究表明,马里人可以说有更好的机会获得更负担得起的基本药物。



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