首页> 外文期刊>Health Physics: Official Journal of the Health Physics Society >Replacement of 137Cs irradiators with x-ray irradiators.

Replacement of 137Cs irradiators with x-ray irradiators.


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Self-shielded 137Cs irradiators have been used for many years to irradiate blood products to prevent graft vs. host disease and to irradiate cells and small animals in research. A report by the National Academy of Sciences recommends that careful consideration be given to replacement of 137Cs irradiators with x-ray irradiators. Several manufacturers and users of x-ray irradiators were contacted to determine costs of replacing and maintaining 137Cs irradiators with x-ray units and to assess users' experience with x-ray irradiators. Purchase costs of x-ray units are similar to 137Cs irradiators, but maintenance costs are significantly higher if annual service contracts are used. Performance of the two irradiator types appears to be equivalent, but in some cases x-ray irradiations may need to be performed in multiple configurations to achieve adequate uniformity in dose. No literature reports were found that evaluated the biological effectiveness of x rays vs. 137Cs gamma rays; therefore, a careful study should be conducted to determine the biological effectiveness of x rays vs. 137Cs gamma rays for biological responses relevant to transfusion medicine and immunological research. Throughput may be problematic for large transfusion medicine programs, and back-up plans may be necessary in case the x-ray unit needs to be taken out of service for extended maintenance. Disposition of a 137Cs irradiator will add to the cost of replacement with an x-ray unit, but disposal may be possible through the U.S. Department of Energy's Off-Site Source Recovery Program.
机译:自屏蔽137Cs辐照器已被用于辐照血液制品,以预防移植物抗宿主疾病,并辐照研究中的细胞和小型动物已有多年历史。美国国家科学院的一份报告建议,应谨慎考虑用X射线辐照器代替137Cs辐照器。联系了多家X射线辐照器制造商和用户,以确定用X射线单元更换和维护137Cs辐照器的成本,并评估用户使用X射线辐照器的经验。 X射线机的购买成本与137Cs辐照器相似,但是如果使用年度服务合同,则维护成本会高得多。两种辐照器类型的性能似乎相当,但是在某些情况下,可能需要以多种配置执行X射线辐照,以实现剂量的足够均匀性。尚无文献报道评估X射线与137Csγ射线的生物有效性。因此,应该进行仔细的研究以确定x射线与137Csγ射线对输血医学和免疫学研究相关的生物学反应的生物学有效性。对于大型输液医学程序,吞吐量可能会出现问题,如果需要将X射线机停下来进行长期维护,则可能需要备份计划。处置137Cs辐照器会增加用X射线装置更换的成本,但可以通过美国能源部的场外源回收计划进行处置。



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