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Radiation streaming and skyshine evaluation for a proposed low-level radioactive waste assured isolation facility.


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Texas is investigating the idea of building a long term waste storage facility, also known as an Assured Isolation Facility. This is an above-ground, retrievable low-level radioactive waste storage facility. A preliminary, scoping-level analysis has been extended to consider more complex scenarios of radiation streaming and skyshine by using MCNP to model the facility in greater detail. Using bounding source term assumptions, the radiation doses and dose rates are found to exceed applicable limits by an order of magnitude. By altering the facility design to fill in the hollow cores of the prefabricated concrete slabs used in the roof over the "high-gamma" rooms where the waste with greatest gamma radiation intensity is stored, dose rates outside the facility decrease by an order of magnitude. With the modified design, the annual dose at the site fenceline is less than the 1 mSv annual limit for exposure of the public. Within the site perimeter, modifying the roof results in an order of magnitude drop in the dose rate for personnel outside the facility and on the facility roof, as well as a significant drop inside the facility. Radiation streaming inside the facility can be lowered almost two orders of magnitude by placing operational restrictions to keep at least two rows of waste containers in front of the high-gamma room to cut down on the size of the path for streaming.
机译:德克萨斯州正在研究建立长期废物存储设施(也称为“保证隔离设施”)的想法。这是一种可回收的地上低放射性废物存储设施。通过使用MCNP对设施进行更详细的建模,初步的范围分析已经扩展到考虑更复杂的辐射流和天空的场景。使用边界源项假设,发现辐射剂量和剂量率超出适用限制一个数量级。通过更改设施的设计以填充用于“高伽玛”室屋顶上的屋顶的预制混凝土板的中空,其中的“伽玛”室存储着具有最大伽玛辐射强度的废物,设施外的剂量率降低了一个数量级。使用改进的设计,现场围墙的年剂量小于每年1 mSv的公众暴露极限。在站点周边内,修改屋顶会导致设施外部和设施屋顶上的人员的剂量率下降一个数量级,以及设施内部的剂量下降很大。通过设置操作限制以将至少两排废物容器保持在高伽马室的前面,以减小设施的流路尺寸,可以将设施内部的放射流降低近两个数量级。



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