首页> 外文期刊>Hepato-gastroenterology. >Pancreatic juice output and amylase level in the drainage fluid after pancreatoduodenectomy in relation to leakage.

Pancreatic juice output and amylase level in the drainage fluid after pancreatoduodenectomy in relation to leakage.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: The objective of this study was to clarify the relationship between the consistency of the pancreas and pancreatic anastomotic leakage after pancreatectomy. METHODOLOGY: Sixty-two patients who underwent proximal pancreatectomy with pancreaticoenterostomy were reviewed with regard to the consistency of the pancreas, size of the main pancreatic duct, postoperative pancreatic juice output, and pancreatic leakage after partial pancreatoduodenectomy. The pancreatic parenchyma was classified as having soft, intermediate and hard consistency (group 1, 2 and 3, respectively). Monitoring the output of pancreatic juice and amylase level in the drainage fluid after operation for the purpose of detecting of dehiscence of pancreaticoenterostomy. RESULTS: The mean pancreatic juice output during a period of 10 days (postoperative days 5 to 14) was 2446 +/- 27 cc in group 1 (n = 26), 846 +/- 13.5 cc in group 2 (n = 19) and 460 +/- 8.1 cc in group 3 (n = 17). Anastomotic leakage occurred in four (15%) patients in group 1, three (15%) in group 2, and none in group 3. In patients with leakage, abrupt decrease or fluctuating output of pancreatic juice occurred and amylase level in the drainage fluid was more than 10,000 IU/L POD 7. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with a pancreatic parenchyma with an intermediate or normal consistency produced more pancreatic juice and had a higher leak rate. Monitoring the output of pancreatic juice and amylase level in the drainage fluid after operation may provide a clue to the detection of dehiscence of pancreaticoenterostomy.
机译:背景/目的:本研究的目的是阐明胰腺切除术后胰腺稠度与胰腺吻合口漏的关系。方法:对62例行胰肠吻合术的近端胰腺切除术患者进行了胰腺连贯性,主要胰管大小,术后胰液输出以及部分胰十二指肠切除术后胰腺渗漏的检查。胰腺实质被分类为具有软,中和硬稠度(分别为1、2和3组)。监测术后胰液的输出量和胰液中淀粉酶的水平,以检测胰肠造口术的开裂。结果:第1组(n = 26)在10天(术后5至14天)期间的平均胰液产量为2446 +/- 27 cc,第2组(n = 19)为846 +/- 13.5 cc和第3组中的460 +/- 8.1 cc(n = 17)。第1组中有4例(15%)发生了吻合口漏,第2组中有3例(15%),第3组中没有吻合口漏。在漏诊患者中,胰液的输出突然或减少并出现波动,排泄液中的淀粉酶水平超过10,000 IU / L POD7。结论:具有中等或正常稠度的胰腺实质患者产生的胰液更多,泄漏率更高。监测术后引流液中胰液和淀粉酶水平的输出可能为检测胰肠造口术开裂提供线索。



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