首页> 外文期刊>Heart rhythm: the official journal of the Heart Rhythm Society >Patients treated with catheter ablation for ventricular tachycardia after an ICD shock have lower long-term rates of death and heart failure hospitalization than do patients treated with medical management only

Patients treated with catheter ablation for ventricular tachycardia after an ICD shock have lower long-term rates of death and heart failure hospitalization than do patients treated with medical management only


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Background: Ventricular arrhythmias in patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) adversely affect outcomes. Antiarrhythmic approaches to ventricular tachycardia (VT) have variable efficacy and may increase risk of ventricular arrhythmias, worsening cardiomyopathy, and death. Comparatively, VT ablation is an alternative approach that may favorably affect outcomes. Objective: To further explore the effect on long-term outcomes after catheter ablation of VT, we compared patients with history of ICD shocks who did not undergo ablation, patients with a history of ICD shocks that underwent ablation, and patients with ICDs who had no history of ICD shocks. Methods: A total of 102 consecutive patients with structural heart disease who underwent VT ablation for recurrent ICD shocks were compared with 2088 patients with ICDs and no history of appropriate shocks and 817 patients with ICDs and a history of appropriate shocks for VT or ventricular fibrillation. Outcomes considered were mortality, heart failure hospitalization, atrial fibrillation, and stroke/transient ischemic attack. Results: The mean age of 3007 patients was 65.4 ± 13.9 years. Over long-term follow-up, 866 (28.8%) died, 681 (22.7%) had a heart failure admission, 706 (23.5%) developed new-onset atrial fibrillation, and 224 (7.5%) had a stroke. The multivariate-adjusted risks of deaths and heart failure hospitalizations were higher in patients with history of ICD shocks who were treated medically than in patients with ICDs and no history of shock (hazard ratio [HR] 1.45; P < .0001 vs HR 2.00; P < .0001, respectively). The multivariate-adjusted risks were attenuated after VT ablation with death and heart failure hospitalization rates similar to those of patients with no shock (HR 0.89; P = .58 vs HR 1.38; P = .09, respectively). A similar nonsignificant trend was seen with stroke/transient ischemic attack. Conclusions: Patients treated with VT ablation after an ICD shock have a significantly lower risk of death and heart failure hospitalization than did patients managed medically only. The adverse event rates after VT ablation were similar to those of patients with ICDs but without VT.
机译:背景:植入式心脏复律除颤器(ICD)患者的室性心律失常会对结局产生不利影响。室性心动过速(VT)的抗心律不齐方法具有可变的疗效,并可能增加室性心律不齐的风险,恶化的心肌病和死亡。相比之下,VT消融是一种可能对结果产生有利影响的替代方法。目的:为进一步探讨对VT导管消融后对长期结局的影响,我们比较了未消融的ICD休克病史,未消融的ICD休克病史和未消融的ICD休克史患者ICD冲击的历史。方法:将102例因反复发作ICD休克而接受VT消融的连续结构性心脏病患者与2088例无适当休克史的ICD患者,817例ICD以及因VT或心室纤颤而适当休克史的患者进行比较。考虑的结果包括死亡率,心力衰竭住院,房颤和中风/短暂性脑缺血发作。结果:3007例患者的平均年龄为65.4±13.9岁。在长期随访中,有866名(28.8%)死亡,有681名(22.7%)发生心力衰竭,有706名(23.5%)发生新发性房颤,而有224名(7.5%)有中风。接受过ICD休克病史治疗的多变量校正死亡和心力衰竭住院风险要高于没有ICD且无休克史的ICD休克患者(危险比[HR] 1.45; P <.0001 vs HR 2.00;分别为P <.0001)。 VT消融后死亡和心力衰竭的住院率与无休克患者相似,经多因素调整的风险有所降低(HR 0.89; P = .58 vs HR 1.38; P = .09)。中风/短暂性脑缺血发作也观察到类似的非显着趋势。结论:ICD休克后接受VT消融治疗的患者的死亡和心力衰竭住院风险显着低于仅接受药物治疗的患者。室速消融后不良事件发生率与有ICD但无室速的患者相似。



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