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The US Supreme Court decision on the constitutional legitimacy of the Affordable Care Act


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I am writing this introduction on the day after the 2012 US Presidential election. We now know that Mitt Romney will not get a chance to carry out his pledge to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), an Act that, on a national scale, bears much resemblance to the set of health care reforms that he himself desired for the people of Massachusetts. This does not mean that the implementation of ACA - or, in other words, the extension of health care insurance to tens of millions of American citizens - will be an easy ride; there are likely to be many implementation barriers in the years ahead. But it does mean that one potentially very high hurdle has been avoided. Another, possibly even more dangerous, hurdle was very narrowly cleared in June 2012 - so narrowly cleared in fact, that it took some of the skin off the ACA's knees, but ultimately left its bulk intact. That hurdle was the Supreme Court deliberation on whether the ACA violated the US Constitution.
机译:我在2012年美国总统大选后的第二天写这篇导言。我们现在知道,罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)将没有机会履行其承诺,废除《可负担医疗法案》(ACA),该法案在全国范围内与他本人希望进行的一系列医疗改革非常相似。马萨诸塞州的人民。这并不意味着实施ACA(换句话说就是将医疗保险扩展到数以千万计的美国公民)将是容易的事。未来几年可能会有许多实施障碍。但这确实意味着避免了一个可能非常高的障碍。另一个可能甚至更危险的障碍在2012年6月非常狭窄地清除了-实际上是如此狭窄地清除,以至于它除去了ACA膝盖上的一些皮肤,但最终保持了其完整。障碍在于最高法院对ACA是否违反美国宪法的审议。



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