首页> 外文期刊>Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences >Efficiency of Slit Dam Prevention against Non-Viscous Debris Flow

Efficiency of Slit Dam Prevention against Non-Viscous Debris Flow


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This paper describes an experimental work in order to assess the efficiency of slit dam on non-viscous dehris flow. Some results have been acquired as follows; (1) there are three kinds of blocking type: Total-blocking, opening and part-blocking. Theblocking conditions of slit dam are closely link to b/d_(max) (the ratio of slit width to maximum diameter of solid matter), as b/d_(max) is less than 0.739, the slit dam is total- blocking; and b/d_(max) is more than 1.478, the slit dam will be opening;whereas b/d_(max) ranges from 0.739 to 1.478, the slit dam is part-blocking. (2) Variation of the mean density passing through slit dam is the most obvious as b/d_(max) ranges from 0.739 to 1.232. (3) According to experimental results, slit dams have been shown to be effective in reducing debris flow density while slit density b/B (B is slit dam width) ranges from 0.2 to 0.5.
机译:本文介绍了一项实验工作,目的是评估裂隙坝对非粘性泥浆流的效率。获得了一些结果,如下所示; (1)有三种阻塞类型:完全阻塞,打开和部分阻塞。狭缝坝的阻塞条件与b / d_(max)(狭缝宽度与固体最大直径的比)紧密相关,当b / d_(max)小于0.739时,狭缝坝为全阻塞。当b / d_(max)大于1.478时,狭缝坝将打开;而b / d_(max)介于0.739至1.478之间,则狭缝坝将阻塞。 (2)通过缝坝的平均密度变化最为明显,因为b / d_(max)的范围为0.739至1.232。 (3)根据实验结果,缝隙坝在减少泥石流密度方面是有效的,而缝隙密度b / B(B是缝坝宽度)在0.2至0.5范围内。



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