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VHDL Modeling of Booth Radix-4 Floating Point Multiplier for VLSI Designer's Library


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Floating point arithmetic computation has been widely used today in graphics, digital signal processing, image processing and other applications. Multiplication is the most complex calculation that used in most digital electronic circuit. The multiplier may have large chip area density, high complexity, and is a time consuming computation because the output data size is twice larger than input data size. Complex floating point multiplication required more time to process data and is highly recommended to improve the computation speed. The performance in terms of computation and processing speed is one of the major factors in today's Very/Ultra Large Scale Integration (VLSI/ULSI) system design. The objective of this research is to design a 32-bit floating point multiplier for Very high speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL) designer's library that consists of mantissas multiplier, normalizer, exponent adder, and signer for VHDL designer's library that lack of floating point multiplier module. Booth radix-4 algorithm is used in the multiplier, mainly due to the simplicity of this algorithm to be modeled using VHDL and at the same time it provides good performance. The 32-bit floating point multiplier is tested on Arria II GX chip to determine their performance in terms of slack, maximum frequency and minimum clock period by using TimeQuest Timing Analyzer. Booth radix-4 multiplier in Arria II GX (EP2AGX45CU17I3) produces a maximum frequency of 206.14 MHz and minimum allowed clock period of 5 ns. Benchmarking has been carried out between the Booth radix-4 and Wallace Tree multipliers, since Wallace Tree multiplier can provide better performance to the VLSI system design. The resource consumption of Booth radix-4 multiplier is 88.8% less than the Wallace Tree multiplier and the performance of Booth radix-4 multiplier is almost equal to the Wallace Tree multiplier.
机译:如今,浮点算术计算已广泛用于图形,数字信号处理,图像处理和其他应用程序中。乘法是大多数数字电子电路中使用的最复杂的计算。乘法器可能具有大的芯片面积密度,高的复杂度,并且是耗时的计算,因为输出数据大小是输入数据大小的两倍。复杂的浮点乘法需要更多的时间来处理数据,强烈建议您提高计算速度。就计算和处理速度而言,性能是当今超大型超大规模集成(VLSI / ULSI)系统设计的主要因素之一。这项研究的目的是为超高速集成电路硬件描述语言(VHDL)设计器库设计一个32位浮点乘法器,该库由尾数乘法器,规范化器,指数加法器和缺乏浮动的VHDL设计器库的签名器组成点乘数模块。在乘法器中使用Booth radix-4算法,主要是因为该算法的简单性使其可以使用VHDL进行建模,同时提供了良好的性能。通过使用TimeQuest时序分析器,在Arria II GX芯片上对32位浮点乘法器进行了测试,以确定其性能,包括松弛度,最大频率和最小时钟周期。 Arria II GX中的Booth radix-4乘法器(EP2AGX45CU17I3)产生的最大频率为206.14 MHz,允许的最小时钟周期为5 ns。由于Wallace Tree乘法器可以为VLSI系统设计提供更好的性能,因此已经在Booth radix-4和Wallace Tree乘法器之间进行了基准测试。 Booth radix-4乘法器的资源消耗比Wallace Tree乘法器少88.8%,而Booth radix-4乘法器的性能几乎与Wallace Tree乘法器相等。



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