首页> 外文期刊>Haemophilia: the official journal of the World Federation of Hemophilia >Haemophilic arthropathy: the usefulness of intra-articular oxytetracycline (synoviorthesis) in the treatment of chronic synovitis in children.

Haemophilic arthropathy: the usefulness of intra-articular oxytetracycline (synoviorthesis) in the treatment of chronic synovitis in children.


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Synoviorthesis is already widely used in the treatment of chronic haemophilic synovitis. The aim of this study was evaluate the effectiveness of oxytetracicline synoviorthesis on the frequency of haemarthrosis in haemophilic children with chronic synovitis and its impact on joint function. Between January 2001 and October 2006, we performed 34 synoviorthesis in 28 paediatric patients (6-16 years old) with diagnosis of haemophilic arthropathy stage I-II. At each joint were administered five doses of oxytetracycline for five consecutive weeks at doses of 100 mg in elbow and ankle and 250 mg in the knee. The frequency of haemarthrosis and range of joint mobility were evaluated before and after of treatment. The results were analysed with Student t-test and descriptive statistics. Thirty-four joints were treated, including 20 knees (58.8%), eight elbows (23.5%) and six ankles (17.6%). Median follow-up was 46.3 months (range 12-71 months). The frequency of haemarthrosis was recorded before treatment 47.3 year(-1) (range 12-96, P < 0.0001) and decreased to 3.5 year(-1) (range 0-15, P = 0.0119) after treatment. The range of joint motion in flexion-extension before treatment was 84.9 degrees , while after this was 97.5 degrees (P = 0.0119). The synoviorthesis with oxytetracycline has shown a favourable effect in the treatment of chronic haemophilic synovitis in reducing the frequency of haemarthrosis and improvement was observed consistently in the range of motion.
机译:滑膜置换术已被广泛用于治疗慢性血友病滑膜炎。这项研究的目的是评估在慢性滑膜炎的血友病儿童中,土霉素滑膜置换术对血栓形成频率的有效性及其对关节功能的影响。在2001年1月至2006年10月之间,我们对28例诊断为I-II型血友病的儿科患者(6-16岁)进行了34次滑膜置换术。在每个关节处连续五周服用五剂土霉素,肘部和踝部100毫克,膝部250毫克。在治疗前后评估关节炎的发生频率和关节活动度范围。通过学生t检验和描述性统计分析结果。治疗了34个关节,包括20膝(58.8%),8肘(23.5%)和6脚踝(17.6%)。中位随访时间为46.3个月(范围12-71个月)。治疗前记录血栓形成的频率为47.3年(-1)(范围12-96,P <0.0001),治疗后降至3.5年(-1)(范围0-15,P = 0.0119)。治疗前屈伸关节活动度为84.9度,之后为97.5度(P = 0.0119)。土霉素与滑膜置换在慢性血友病滑膜炎的治疗中已显示出减少血栓形成的频率的良好效果,并且在运动范围内也一直观察到改善。



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