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Diet and Feeding Habitats of Camargue Dabbling Ducks: What Has Changed Since the 1960s?


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In the Camargue (southern France), drastic changes in wetlands have occurred (notably extension of agriculture and salt extraction) since the 1960s, which affect the resources available to migratory waterbirds. Winter diets of Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) and Teal (A. crecca) in 2006-2008 were assessed by analyses of gullet contents. Using PCA-based methods, duck diets were described and the main feeding habitats used by each duck species were then determined with a typology analysis. The same four food items were most important (in terms of occurrence and average dry weight) in the diet of Mallard and Teal: Oryza saliva (rice), Echinothloa sp., Scirpus maritimus and Potamogeton pusillus seeds. However, Teal diet was more diversified, with eleven feeding habitat types, compared to only five in Mallard. Both species were found to be dependent on ricefields and ricefield-like habitats. Compared to previous studies in the same area between 1964 and 1981, permanent freshwater habitats now appear to be used more intensively by Mallard and Teal, while temporary marshes are used to a lesser extent. Since the 1960s, temporary marshes have been partially replaced by permanent freshwater in order to attract more ducks, mostly for hunting. The flexibility of duck diet in response to changing food availability may explain why duck populations have not decreased in the Camargue or in Europe despite changes in land use. Received 14 February 2012, accepted 22 July 2012.
机译:自1960年代以来,在Camargue(法国南部),湿地发生了急剧变化(尤其是农业和盐分开采的扩展),这影响了迁徙水鸟的可用资源。通过对食盐含量的分析,评估了绿头鸭(Anas platyrhynchos)和蓝绿色(Aal crecca)2006-2008年的冬季饮食。使用基于PCA的方法,描述了鸭的日粮,然后通过类型分析确定每种鸭的主要采食栖息地。在绿头野鸭和野鸭的饮食中,相同的四种食物是最重要的(就发生率和平均干重而言):稻米(唾液),棘皮动物(Echinothloa sp。),海鞘孢子虫(Scirpus maritimus)和马铃薯(Potamogeton pusillus)种子。但是,蓝绿色的饮食更多样化,有11种觅食生境类型,而绿头鸭只有5种。发现这两种物种都依赖稻田和类似稻田的栖息地。与以前在1964年至1981年之间在同一地区进行的研究相比,Mallard和Teal现在似乎更加密集地使用了永久性淡水栖息地,而对临时沼泽的利用却较少。自1960年代以来,临时沼泽已被永久性的淡水部分取代,以吸引更多的鸭子,主要用于狩猎。鸭子饮食对食物供应量变化的灵活反应可以解释为什么尽管土地利用发生了变化,但在Camargue或欧洲,鸭子的数量并未减少。 2012年2月14日收到,2012年7月22日接受。



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