首页> 外文期刊>Wood and Fiber Science >Determining hybridization in jack pine and lodgepole pine from British Columbia.

Determining hybridization in jack pine and lodgepole pine from British Columbia.


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This study was conducted to find wood quality evidence of hybridization between jack pine (Pinus banksiana) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) in northeast British Columbia (BC). To determine if wood and fiber traits could be used as distinguishing features among jack pine, lodgepole pine, and their hybrids, differences in morphology and wood and fiber traits were related to the genetic identity of each sample. Thirty samples each of pure lodgepole pine, pure jack pine, and potential hybrids were collected from the Prince George area of BC, the Smoky Lake area of Alberta, and the Fort Nelson region of BC, respectively. Two 10-mm cores (bark to bark) were taken from each tree and analyzed for fiber length and coarseness, microfibril angle (MFA), basic density, earlywood:latewood ratios, and cell dimensions. Needle and cone morphology was used to distinguish among species groups in the field. Based on genetically identified samples, the fiber traits that best differentiated among pure jack pine, lodgepole pine, and hybrids were MFA and cell area.
机译:进行这项研究的目的是找到不列颠哥伦比亚省东北部的杰克松(Pinus bankiana)和黑松(Pinus contorta var。latifolia)杂交的木材质量证据。为了确定木材和纤维性状是否可以用作杰克松,黑毛松及其杂种的区别特征,形态和木材和纤维性状的差异与每个样品的遗传特性有关。分别从不列颠哥伦比亚省的乔治王子地区,艾伯塔省的黑烟湖地区和不列颠哥伦比亚省的纳尔逊堡地区分别收集了三十份纯铁杆松,纯杰克松和潜在杂种。从每棵树上取两个10毫米的芯(树皮到树皮),并分析其纤维长度和粗糙度,微纤丝角(MFA),基本密度,早木与晚木的比例以及细胞尺寸。针和锥的形态被用来区分田间的物种组。根据基因鉴定的样品,在纯杰克松,黑毛松和杂种中最能区分的纤维性状是MFA和细胞面积。



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