
Altered bile composition in the gallbladder and common bile duct of patients with anomalous pancreaticobiliary ductal junction.


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The high incidence of biliary tract carcinoma in patients with anomalous pancreaticobiliary ductal junction (APBDJ) has been well documented. Elevation of the secondary and free bile acid (FBA) concentrations is considered a risk factor for biliary carcinogenesis in these patients. Bile from the gallbladder and common bile duct in 12 patients with APBDJ was analyzed and compared with gallbladder bile from 19 patients with gastric cancer and a normal hepatobiliary tract. The concentrations of secondary bile acids were significantly lower in the APBDJ group than in the control group, and FBA concentrations were not detected in the gallbladder in either group. The lysolecithin (LL) in the phospholipid, which is produced from lecithin by activated phospholipase A(2) in refluxing pancreatic juice, was significantly elevated in the APBDJ group. Elevation of the LL concentration in the bile is one of the factors for the development of biliary tract carcinoma in patients with APBDJ.
机译:胰胆管导管异常(APBDJ)患者中胆道癌的高发病率已得到充分证明。继发性胆汁酸和游离胆汁酸(FBA)浓度升高被认为是这些患者胆道癌发生的危险因素。分析了12例APBDJ患者的胆囊和胆总管胆汁,并将其与19例胃癌和正常肝胆道患者的胆囊胆汁进行了比较。 APBDJ组的次级胆汁酸浓度显着低于对照组,并且在任一组的胆囊中均未检测到FBA浓度。 APBDJ组中磷脂中的溶血卵磷脂(LL)是由卵磷脂通过活化的磷脂酶A(2)在回流的胰腺液中产生的,卵磷脂显着升高。胆汁中LL浓度升高是APBDJ患者胆道癌发展的因素之一。



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