
Narrowing oil-to-gas ratio calls in to question variety of US projects.


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With crude prices continuing to decline around the world the oil-to-gas ratio in the US has narrowed considerably, eroding the price advantage enjoyed by a number of US producers that utilize gas-based feedstocks. The erosion of this price advantage has also called into question the viability of a variety of projects (e.g., crackers, ethane terminals, gas-to-liquids (GTL) units, LPG terminals, propane dehydrogenation (PDH) units) that were announced when the oil-to-gas ratio in the US was as wide as it has even been. According to the president of Petral Consulting Dan Lippe, "It has to force everybody who is planning to invest a couple billion dollars in ethylene and propylene capacity to at least redo their economics based on a significantly lower price environment for at least a few years." He did add that because these projects will have a typical lifespan of 20-30 years a final investment decision should be based on what a company expects crude prices to average in the long-term and not on the current short-term fluctuation in the market.
机译:随着世界各地原油价格的持续下跌,美国的油气比已经大大缩小,削弱了许多使用天然气原料的美国生产商所享有的价格优势。价格优势的削弱也使人们质疑何时宣布的各种项目(例如裂解装置,乙烷终端,气液(GTL)装置,LPG终端,丙烷脱氢(PDH)装置)的可行性。美国的石油天然气比以前甚至还很宽。 Petral Consulting总裁Dan Lippe表示:“这必须迫使计划在乙烯和丙烯生产能力上投资数十亿美元的每个人至少在至少几年的时间里,根据价格大幅下跌的情况,至少重新实现其经济效益。 ”他确实补充说,由于这些项目的典型使用寿命为20-30年,因此最终投资决策应基于公司预期的长期原油平均价格,而不是基于当前市场的短期波动。 。



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