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Central America Set To Partially Integrate Electricity Network


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An ongoing effort by Central American countries to connect their electricity grids by mid-2010 could make gas-fired power plants and LNG infrastructure more economically viable in the region. Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama are cooperating on a $494 million project known as Siepac to build two 230-kilovolt power lines, one traversing the isthmus from southern Guatemala to western Panama, and a shorter one connecting central Guatemala to Honduras. The 1,789 kilometers of power lines would have an initial capacity of 300 megawatts, which might later be doubled. The project was initially mooted in the mid-1990s but stalled partly because national regulators have been reluctant to cede sovereignty. It's now nearly complete.
机译:中美洲国家正在持续努力,到2010年中期将其电网连接起来,这将使该地区的燃气发电厂和LNG基础设施在经济上更具可行性。危地马拉,萨尔瓦多,洪都拉斯,尼加拉瓜,哥斯达黎加和巴拿马正在合作进行一项价值4.94亿美元的项目,即Siepac,以建设两条230千伏的电力线,一条从危地马拉南部到巴拿马西部横渡地峡,一条较短的电线连接危地马拉中部去洪都拉斯。 1789公里的电力线的初始容量为300兆瓦,以后可能会增加一倍。该项目最初是在1990年代中期提出的,但由于国家监管机构不愿放弃主权而部分搁置了。现在几乎完成了。



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