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US Learns Lessons From Massive Northeast Blackout


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It began on Aug. 14, 2003 when an overloaded power transmission line fell on a tree branch in Ohio and a computer glitch kept grid operators at FirstEnergy Corp. in Ohio from recognizing or understanding what was happening. It ended in the biggest power blackout in US history, affecting 55 million people in eight states and parts of Canada, with an estimated cost of nearly $10 billion. What started as a minor local event cascaded into the loss of 61.8 gigawatts of power, including output from 19 nuclear reactors at 10 plants. It took about 30 hours to substantially return power to the 10 million affected in Canada and 45 million in the US, although some areas were not restored for two days. Ten years on, better management of the US grid makes it less likely such an event will recur. While the grid remains vulnerable to severe storms like Hurricane Sandy — which left an estimated 8 million people in the eastern US without power last October — or to cyber attacks, the number of outages caused by faulty equipment or human error has fallen.
机译:它始于2003年8月14日,当时一条过载的输电线跌落在俄亥俄州的树枝上,计算机故障使俄亥俄州的FirstEnergy Corp.的电网运营商无法识别或了解正在发生的事情。它以美国历史上最大的一次停电而告终,影响了加拿大八个州和部分地区的5500万人,估计损失近100亿美元。最初的一个小地方事件开始,导致61.8吉瓦的电力损失,包括10家工厂的19座核反应堆的输出。尽管有些地区没有恢复两天,但要花大约30个小时才能使加拿大的1000万人和美国的4500万人恢复供电。十年过去了,对美国电网进行更好的管理使其不太可能再次发生此类事件。尽管电网仍然容易遭受飓风桑迪(去年10月在美国东部造成800万人断电)等严重风暴或网络攻击的影响,但由于故障设备或人为失误造成的停电数量有所下降。



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