首页> 外文期刊>World Food Regulation Review >European Union: EU creates European food agency; powers, location yet undetermined

European Union: EU creates European food agency; powers, location yet undetermined


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Nice, France--In response to a series of food safety scandals in the past several years, European Union leaders agreed December 8 to set up a European Food Agency that will begin operations in 2002. EU leaders at a summit here adopted the food agency proposal advanced by the European Commission in November (IVFRR, Vol. 10, No. 7, p. 4), but failed to agree on the exact powers of the European Food Agency or where it would be based. The summit, one of the EU's most important in its post-World War IIhistory, was primarily focused on preparations for enlargement that will allow former Iron Curtain countries of Eastern Europe to become members. On another food safety issue-the continuing development of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) among European cattle-EU leaders rejected a call by German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder to permanently ban meat and bone meal in animal feed.EU agriculture ministers December 4 imposed a six-month ban on the use of meat and bone meal in feed. (See related report in this issue.)
机译:法国尼斯-针对过去几年发生的一系列食品安全丑闻,欧盟领导人于12月8日同意成立一家将于2002年开始运营的欧洲食品署。欧盟领导人在此间的峰会上通过了该食品署欧盟委员会在11月提出的建议(IVFRR,第10卷,第7期,第4页),但是未能就欧洲食品局的确切权力或所依据的权力达成共识。这次峰会是第二次世界大战后欧盟最重要的峰会之一,主要集中在扩大扩张的准备上,这将使东欧的前铁幕国家成为成员。关于另一个食品安全问题-欧洲牛牛海绵状脑病(BSE)的持续发展-欧盟领导人拒绝了德国总理格哈德·施罗德(Gerhard Schroeder)呼吁永久禁止动物饲料中的肉和骨粉的呼吁。欧盟农业部长12月4日强加了六分一个月内禁止在饲料中使用肉骨粉。 (请参阅本期的相关报告。)



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