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World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology: Serving the international microbiology community for 25 years


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Edgar DaSilva, who died far too early in 2007 (Hoareau 2008), was the Head of the Microbiology Service for UNESCO, Paris. He had headed up a worldwide organization known as the MIRCEN network whose remit was to develop applied microbiology and biotechnology throughout the developing world and, to this end, Edgar had created a number of laboratories in countries throughout the world but particularly in Asia, Africa and South America. In 1984 Edgar began serious discussions with Oxford University Press in the UK and, very happily, had the good fortune to come into contact with Anthony Watkinson who at that time was a senior editor with OUP. Edgar and Anthony felt that the time was now appropriate to launch a journal that would reflect the activities of UNESCO through its MIRCEN network of laboratories. Thus in 1985 was born the MIRCEN Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.
机译:埃德加·达西尔瓦(Edgar DaSilva)于2007年过早去世(Hoareau,2008年),他是巴黎联合国教科文组织微生物学处处长。他领导了一个称为MIRCEN网络的全球组织,其职责是在整个发展中国家开发应用微生物学和生物技术,为此,埃德加(Edgar)在世界各国(特别是在亚洲,非洲和非洲)建立了许多实验室。南美洲。 1984年,埃德加(Edgar)与英国牛津大学出版社(Oxford University Press)进行了认真的讨论,非常高兴地有幸与当时担任OUP的高级编辑的安东尼·沃特金森(Anthony Watkinson)联系。埃德加(Edgar)和安东尼(Anthony)认为现在是时候发布一本期刊了,该期刊通过MIRCEN实验室网络反映了教科文组织的活动。因此,1985年诞生了MIRCEN应用微生物学与生物技术杂志。



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