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Nuts: Leaf Injury Tells The Story


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MANY different experts over the last several decades have preached the virtues of proper ground speeds with the use of air-blast spray rigs in orchards. The key issue discussed revolves around the fact that in order for the spray mist to reach all areas, the volume of air it is carried in must displace the volume of air in the target area for coverage to occur. Just because a grower owns the largest dual-fan, turbo-diesel air-blast sprayer that costs more than $100,000 doesn't mean that there are notlimits to the speed of travel for best coverage throughout the canopy. From a distance it may look impressive that the sprayer blows two rows over in each direction with spray, or looking from a hilltop and seeing the mist several feet above the tops of the trees. However, seeing the refractive halo of a spray mist through backlighting from the sun or headlights, and good coverage, are two different things.



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