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Maturation and spawning of common snook: first experiences in southeast Mexico


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The culture of freshwater fish in Mexico has been encouraged since the 1970s. The first fishing enterprise in inland waters was tilapia, with more than 40,000 tons/year. Conversely, the overall aquaculture of marine fish has just begun. Unlike China, where there is a centuries-old tradition of aquaculture, Mexico does not have a similar tradition. However, Mexico has nearly 11,000 km of coastline and other favorable coastal features that make it suitable for aquaculture. Unfortunately, this activity has grown slowly in its relationship to the requirements of the local population and to international markets. In the last five years, there has been an increase in the number of national governmental and private institutions that are interested in aquaculture. Today, in Mexico, there are 34 middle and higher education institutions studying aquaculture, and aquacultural enterprises have been opened on both coasts. Most of these enterprises and institutions are on the northeast coast. They are growingmostly white shrimp, Litopennaeus vannamei, which restricts the interest in investigation and culture of other marine species. Because of the decrease in catch of several species of fish and crustaceans and the increase in the human population in some areas of southeast Mexican, such as Campeche and Tabasco, there is an increasing interest in a substitute activity that would contribute to the local food supply. Because of the fishing tradition in this area, aquaculture was the first consideration of thecommunities of the region, especially marine fish culture. In addition, in Campeche State, the best location for aquaculture was in one natural protected area that included the Terminos Lagoon, one of the largest in the country. Because it is a protected area. production is restricted; but there is still the need to determine the appropriate use of the local resources.
机译:自1970年代以来,墨西哥一直鼓励养殖淡水鱼。内陆水域的第一家捕捞企业是罗非鱼,年产量超过40,000吨。相反,海水鱼类的总体水产养殖才刚刚开始。与中国有着数百年的水产养殖传统的墨西哥不同,墨西哥没有类似的传统。但是,墨西哥拥有近11,000公里的海岸线和其他有利的沿海特征,使其适合水产养殖。不幸的是,这种活动与当地人口和国际市场的关系发展缓慢。在过去的五年中,对水产养殖感兴趣的国家政府和私人机构的数量有所增加。今天,在墨西哥,有34个中等和高等教育机构研究水产养殖,并且两岸都开设了水产养殖企业。这些企业和机构大多数位于东北海岸。它们主要是白色虾,南美白对虾(Litopennaeus vannamei),这限制了其他海洋物种的调查和养殖兴趣。由于墨西哥东南部某些地区(例如坎佩切州和塔巴斯科州)的几种鱼类和甲壳类鱼类的捕捞量减少以及人口增加,人们对替代活动的兴趣日益增加,这种活动有助于当地的粮食供应。由于该地区的渔业传统,水产养殖是该地区社区的首要考虑因素,尤其是海水鱼类养殖。此外,在坎佩切州,水产养殖的最佳地点是在一个自然保护区,其中包括该国最大的自然保护区之一特米诺斯泻湖。因为它是一个保护区。生产受到限制;但是仍然需要确定适当使用本地资源。



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