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Release of captively reared adult salmon for use in recovery


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In recent years the philosophy of salmon management in the Pacific Northwest has been changing from one that justifies hatchery production solely on fishery harvest to one that conserves and enhances natural populations. Imperiled salmon Oncorhynchus spp. populations are increasingly being brought into captivity for stock conservation or recovery. The emphasis on conservation is largely in response to the alarming numbers of salmon populations facing extinction risk in the Pacific Northwest. The new conservation philosophy requires integration of hatchery and natural production. Consequently it has become a major focus of fisheries research. Conservation hatcheries are designed to rebuild or maintain natural spawning populations. Therefore, theirculture strategy is to raise fish, which will successfully reproduce, and integrate closely with the free-ranging wild stock. Captive broodstocks of Pacific salmon are being maintained as part of the conservation hatchery concept. These programs differ from traditional hatchery programs in one important respect: fish are cultured in captivity for their entire life cycle. Their benefit for conservation is that they bypass the typically high natural smolt-to-adult mortality, making them an appealing toolfor the recovery of threatened or endangered species, or for short-term supplementation of natural populations. With the high fecundity of Pacific salmon and potentially high survival in protective culture, captive broodstock programs afford an opportunity to produce large numbers of juveniles or adults for reintroduction in a single generation (Schiewe et al. 1998).
机译:近年来,西北太平洋地区的鲑鱼管理哲学已经从仅靠捕捞业证明孵化场合理的一种管理方式转变为一种保护和增加自然种群的管理方式。濒临灭绝的鲑鱼Oncorhynchus spp。越来越多的人口被圈养起来以进行种群保存或恢复。对保护的重视主要是由于西北太平洋地区面临灭绝危险的鲑鱼种群数量惊人。新的保护理念要求将孵化场与自然生产相结合。因此,它已成为渔业研究的主要重点。保护性孵化场旨在重建或维持自然产卵种群。因此,他们的养殖策略是养鱼,这种鱼将成功繁殖并与放养的野生种群紧密结合。作为保护孵化场概念的一部分,正在养活太平洋鲑的圈养亲鱼。这些计划在一个重要方面与传统的孵化场计划不同:在整个生命周期中,人工饲养鱼类。它们对保护的好处是,它们绕开了通常从高到大的从大到成年的高死亡率,使其成为恢复受威胁或濒临灭绝的物种或短期补充自然种群的诱人工具。由于太平洋鲑鱼的高繁殖力和在保护性养殖中的潜在高存活率,圈养亲鱼计划提供了一个机会,可在单代中繁殖大量幼鱼或成年鱼(Schiewe等人,1998)。



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