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A needless diversification: A perspective on the unregulatedintroduction and culture of the Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeusvannamei, in India


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The giant tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) popularly called the black tiger in the international markets, has been, and continues to be, the leading cultured species in India. Superior growth rate and a high market demand have made it a good candidate among the available marine shrimp species in India for commercial aquaculture. However, of late, the species has been observed to be vulnerable to several viral and bacterial pathogens that have resulted in the recurrence of diseases, such as vibriosis and White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) in many regions of India from Andhra Pradesh on the east coast to Kerala on the southwest coast, thereby devastating the shrimp culture industry in India and inflicting losses amounting to approximately US$21 million. It has been estimated that in 1994 alone, the losses due to disease outbreaks in the country totaled over US$17.6million (Subasinghe et al. 1995). It is in this context that industry sources are actively promoting the introduction of a non-native species, the Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, as an alternative to P. monodon for commercial aquaculture operations in the country (Rajeev and Prasad 2003).
机译:巨大的老虎虾,斑节对虾(Fabricius)在国际市场上通常被称为黑虎,它已经并且一直是印度主要的养殖品种。极高的增长率和高市场需求使其成为印度商业水产养殖可用海虾种类的良好候选者。然而,最近,在印度的许多地区,从东部的安得拉邦观察到,该物种易受多种病毒和细菌病原体的感染,从而导致疾病的复发,例如弧菌病和白斑综合症病毒(WSSV)。到西南海岸的喀拉拉邦,从而摧毁了印度的虾类养殖业,造成的损失约为2100万美元。据估计,仅在1994年,该国因疾病暴发而造成的损失就总计超过1760万美元(Subasinghe等人,1995年)。正是在这种情况下,行业人士正在积极促进引进非本地物种太平洋白虾南美白对虾,作为斑节对虾的替代品,在该国进行商业水产养殖(Rajeev and Prasad 2003)。



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