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Mode of delivery and obstetric outcomes in Asia.


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Evaluation of: Lumbiganon P, Laopaiboon M, Gulmezoglu A etal.: Method of delivery and pregnancy outcomes in Asia: the WHO global survey on maternal and perinatal health 2007-2008. lancet 375(9713), 490-499 (2010). In a multinational survey of 122 medical facilities in nine Asian countries, the WHO analyzed data on 107,950 deliveries. Compared with spontaneous vaginal deliveries, any type of cesarean was associated with a 2.7-14.5-fold increase in the odds of the maternal mortality and morbidity index. Antepartum cesarean with indications and intrapartum cesarean demonstrated similar perinatal outcomes when compared with spontaneous vaginal delivery; patients who underwent an intrapartum cesarean without indication had a 2.1 -fold increase in the odds of the perinatal mortality and morbidity index. Cesarean delivery decreased perinatal morbidity when performed for noncephalic presentation. Operative vaginal deliveries were also associated with a 2.1-fold increase in the odds of maternal morbidity or mortality with a concomitant 1.9-fold increase in the odds of perinatal morbidity and mortality.
机译:评价对象:Lumbiganon P,Laopaiboon M,Gulmezoglu A等。:亚洲分娩和妊娠结局的方法:世界卫生组织2007-2008年全球孕产妇和围产期健康调查。柳叶刀375(9713),490-499(2010)。在对9个亚洲国家/地区的122家医疗机构的多国调查中,WHO分析了107,950例分娩的数据。与自然阴道分娩相比,任何类型的剖宫产都会使产妇死亡率和发病率的几率增加2.7-14.5倍。与自然阴道分娩相比,产前剖宫产的适应症和产期剖宫产的围产期结局相似。未经指征进行剖宫产的患者围产期死亡率和发病率的几率增加了2.1倍。当进行非头颅表现时,剖宫产降低了围产期发病率。手术性阴道分娩还与产妇发病或死亡几率增加2.1倍,围产期发病和死亡几率增加1.9倍有关。



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