首页> 外文期刊>The Horticulture Journal >Induction of Parthenocarpy by Bordeaux Mixture and Its Use for Cultivation in Japanese Pear 'Kosui'

Induction of Parthenocarpy by Bordeaux Mixture and Its Use for Cultivation in Japanese Pear 'Kosui'

机译:波尔多混合物诱导单性结实及其在日本梨“ Kosui”中的栽培

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Since both artificial pollination and fruit thinning are necessary for marketable fruit production of Japanese pears (Pyrus pyrifolia (burm. f.) Nakai) in Japan, about a 20% fruit set is ideal without pollination because only 5% of flowers are actually subjected to fruit production. In this study, copper (Cu2+) and ferrous (Fe2+) ions were shown to be effective for inducing a nearly-ideal fruit set of the Japanese pear 'Kosui'. Fruit induced by ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) solution or a Bordeaux mixture, which is a combination of copper sulfate (CuSO4), lime, and water, were parthenocarpic, because 1) self-pollen tube growth was not promoted by Cu2+ and Fe2+, 2) almost no perfect seeds were observed at harvest, and 3) Cu2+ and Fe2+ acted as strong inhibitors of pollen tube growth in vitro. The effective stage for inducing parthenocarpy was sprouting time to 4 days after anthesis in the Bordeaux mixture, and sprouting time to 4 days before anthesis in the FeSO4 solution. Annual changes in the effectiveness were found in both chemicals, and the Bordeaux mixture showed no inhibitory effect on the fruit set of cross-pollinated flowers. The growth of Bordeaux mixture-induced fruit was improved by gibberellin (GA) paste or GA paste mixed with N-(N-(2-chloro-4-pyridy1)-N'-phenylurea (CPPU) treatment of the fruit stalk; the treated fruit was about 100 g heavier than the untreated fruit. The GA paste treatment is currently conducted to promote fruit growth and maturation in 'Kosui' fruit production in Japan, and the Bordeaux mixture can be substituted for chemical fungicide generally used before anthesis to control scab and black spot disease. Accordingly, the Bordeaux mixture is a promising chemical for great labor-saving in 'Kosui' cultivation.
机译:由于在日本生产可销售的日本梨(Pyrus pyrifolia(burm。f。)Nakai),必须进行人工授粉和疏果,因此不授粉的理想坐果比例为20%,因为实际上只有5%的花受水果生产。在这项研究中,铜(Cu2 +)和亚铁(Fe2 +)离子可有效诱导几乎理想的日本梨'Kosui'果实。由硫酸亚铁(FeSO4)溶液或由硫酸铜(CuSO4),石灰和水组成的波尔多混合物诱导的果实是单性结实的,因为1)Cu2 +和Fe2 +不能促进自花粉管的生长,2 )收获时几乎没有观察到完美的种子,并且3)Cu 2+和Fe 2+在体外是花粉管生长的强抑制剂。诱导单性结实的有效阶段是在波尔多混合物中花期至花后4天,在FeSO4溶液中花期至花前4天。两种化学品的功效都在逐年变化,波尔多混合物对交叉授粉花的果实没有抑制作用。赤霉素糊剂或赤霉素糊剂与N-(N-(2-氯-4-吡啶基)-N'-苯基脲(CPPU)处理的水果秸秆混合使用可改善波尔多混合物诱导的果实生长;处理过的水果比未处理过的水果重100克,目前正在进行GA糊剂处理以促进日本“ Kosui”水果生产中的水果生长和成熟,并且可以用波尔多混合物代替通常在花药控制前使用的化学杀菌剂因此,波尔多混合物是一种有希望的化学物质,可大大节省“ Kosui”栽培中的劳力。



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