首页> 外文期刊>Chinese science bulletin >A new species: Szea (Cladophlebis) henanense sp. nov. in Henan Province and its evolutional significance

A new species: Szea (Cladophlebis) henanense sp. nov. in Henan Province and its evolutional significance

机译:一个新物种:Szea(Cladophlebis)henanense sp.。十一月河南省的河南省及其演化意义

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Oligocarpia and Chansitheca, which are subordinated to Gleicheniacea, were reported long ago in the Permian of North China. Yao and Taylor discovered several specimens of fertile fronds possessing gleicheniaceous characters in Funiushan Coalfield of Zhenjiang in Jiangsu Province. These characters are different from those of Oligocarpia and Chansitheca. After detailed study on reproductive organs in situ, they established a new genus-Szea and assuredly assigned it to Gleicheniaceae. Yao et al. also ascribed some speciments, which were collected from Jiangsu, Fujian, Guizhou and Yunnan provinces and were formerly assigned to Cladophlebis, to Szea. They established a new genus-Lixotheca for specimens from North China, which were previously described asCladophlebis permica Lee et Wang and Cladophlebis henanensis Zhang et Mo. In recent years, the authors collected some similar specimens from Pingdingshan Coalfield and Yuzhou area of Henan Province. According to the characters of their reproductive organs of fertile fronds and shape of sterile fronds, the authors set up a new species of Szea for these specimens.
机译:早在中国北方的二叠纪就已经报道了隶属于鹰嘴豆科的寡果和樟木。姚和泰勒在江苏省镇江伏牛山煤田发现了几具具含白垩纪特征的肥沃叶状标本。这些字符不同于寡果和金钱藻。在详细研究了生殖器官的原位之后,他们建立了一个新的类-Szea,并确定将其分配给葛兰科。姚等。还把一些标本归因于江苏,福建,贵州和云南省,这些标本原先分配给了克拉德比利斯,也分配给了Szea。他们为华北地区的标本建立了一个新属-紫蝶科(Lixotheca),这些标本以前被称为Permica Lee et Wang和Cladophlebis henanensis Zhang etMo。近年来,作者从河南平顶山煤田和豫州地区收集了一些类似的标本。根据它们的繁殖叶的生殖器官的特征和不育叶的形状,作者为这些标本建立了一个新的Szea物种。



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