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All-new housing and all-new pigs herald a bright future for this Aberdeenshire producer


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With the help of grant aid, Scottish producer Sandy Howie has built an all-new pig unit. The staff love it, so do the pigs. The whole development is a credit to all concerned, reports Sam Walton...Farmers are notorious for not spending money. But when the expense is an investment, that's a different matter.Sandy Howie, who is chairman of Scottish Pig Producers and an excellent pig farmer, has taken what I think is rather a bold move. He has built what is practically an all-new pig unit on his farm at Mintlaw in Aberdeen.Before farming on his own account, Sandy was farm manager for the late Stephen Mackie, a gentleman if ever there was one.He is quick to relate how helpful Stephen was when he wanted to start on his own. He actually bought one of Stephen's pig units, as he could see the potential in it.This he ran on the Dalgety pig scheme from 1988 until 1991, when he was able to buy himself out of that contract at the same time as he moved to his present 200-acre holding.
机译:在赠款援助的帮助下,苏格兰生产商桑迪·豪伊(Sandy Howie)建立了一个全新的生猪单元。工作人员喜欢它,猪也喜欢。萨姆·沃尔顿(Sam Walton)报告说,整个发展对所有有关方面都值得赞赏。但是当支出是一项投资时,情况就大不一样了。苏格兰养猪生产者协会主席,杰出的养猪户桑迪·豪伊(Sandy Howie)采取了我认为相当大胆的举措。他在阿伯丁明特劳的农场上建立了一个几乎是全新的养猪场。斯蒂芬想自己创业的时候有多大帮助。从他能看到的潜力中,他实际上购买了斯蒂芬的一个生猪单位.1988年至1991年,他在达盖蒂生猪计划(Dalgety pig scheme)上运行,当时他能够在搬迁至他目前的200英亩土地。



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