首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology >The Society of Protozoologists - 53rd annual meeting - June 24-28, 2000 -(Abstracts 1-44)

The Society of Protozoologists - 53rd annual meeting - June 24-28, 2000 -(Abstracts 1-44)


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A Preliminary Report on Soil Ciliate Biodiversity and Spatial Heterogeneity from a Highly Stratified Sampling Grid. D. ACOSTA and D.H. LYNN, Department of Zoology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Diversity and abundance of soil ciliates have been positively correlated with soil nutrient cycles and primary productivity. However, previous samplings of soil habitats that lead to this 6onclusion often have not considered the spatial correlations between soil ciliate populations. Without considering spatial distribution, one must be cautious to link diversity with ecosystem processes. Our approach was to first explore sampling techniques to estimate diversity using the flooded-Petri dish method. Live counts done on fresh samples were significantly more diverse than replicate 10-week stored samples (paired t-test, t = 5.33, p = 0.001, n = 10). Petri dishes were divided into four quadrants from which water samples were removed; three Chi-square tests showed a significant difference among quadrants (p > 0.01, n = 3). Following wetting of the soil, live counts were performed at days 2, 4, 7, 14, 18 and 22, and species accumulation curves were plotted for three samples. Ciliate diversity plateaued by day 7; thus, a confident estimate of diversity can be obtained by sampling on days 2, 4 and 7. Diversities were compared between live counts and counts obtained after filter-protargol staining. Stained samples were significantly more diverse than samples from live counts (paired t-test, t = 3.09, p = 0.008, n = 13). A geostatistical program was used to determine the level of spatial dependance and heterogeneity in ciliate diversity through semivariograms derived from two highly stratified 2 X 4 m grids in the west end of Puerto Rico. Both plots revealed a high degree of spatial heterogeneity with spatial dependance (i.e., samples being similar to each other) up to 8 m and 3 m in the serpentine and limestone substrates, respectively. This accords with the degree of vegetation and topographical heterogeneity. There were scattered hot spots in biodiversity, suggesting the need for a directed and standarized sampling design. Perhaps everything is not everywhere, and perhaps the results from random sampling obscure significant interactions, making previous generalizations about ecosystem stability and ciliate diversity in temperate and tropical systems hard to interpret.
机译:高度分层采样网格中土壤纤毛虫生物多样性和空间异质性的初步报告。加拿大安大略省圭尔夫大学圭尔夫大学动物学系的D.ACOSTA和D.H.LYNN土壤纤毛虫的多样性和丰富度与土壤养分循环和初级生产力呈正相关。但是,以前导致这种6融合的土壤生境采样通常没有考虑纤毛虫种群之间的空间相关性。在不考虑空间分布的情况下,必须谨慎将多样性与生态系统过程联系起来。我们的方法是首先探索使用淹没陪替氏培养皿方法估算多样性的采样技术。新鲜样品的活计数显着高于重复保存10周的样品(配对t检验,t = 5.33,p = 0.001,n = 10)。将培养皿分成四个象限,从中除去水样。三个卡方检验显示象限之间存在显着差异(p> 0.01,n = 3)。土壤润湿后,在第2、4、7、14、18和22天进行活计数,并绘制三个样品的物种积累曲线。纤毛虫多样性在第7天达到稳定状态;因此,可以通过在第2、4和7天进行采样来获得对多样性的可靠估计。比较了活细胞计数和过滤-普鲁塔果酚染色后获得的计数之间的多样性。染色样品比活检样品具有更大的多样性(配对t检验,t = 3.09,p = 0.008,n = 13)。地统计学程序用于通过波多黎各西端两个高度分层的2 X 4 m网格得出的半变异函数来确定纤毛虫多样性的空间依赖性和异质性水平。两条曲线均显示出高度的空间异质性,其在蛇形和石灰岩基质中分别达到8 m和3 m时具有高度的空间依赖性(即样品彼此相似)。这符合植被和地形异质性的程度。生物多样性中散布着热点,这表明需要有针对性和标准化的抽样设计。也许并非所有事物都处处都是,随机抽样的结果可能掩盖了重大的相互作用,这使得以前关于温带和热带系统中生态系统稳定性和纤毛虫多样性的概括难以解释。



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