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Context-induced relapse to alcohol seeking after punishment in a rat model


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Background: Rat studies have demonstrated that exposure to environments associated with alcohol intake reinstates alcohol seeking after extinction of alcohol-reinforced responding in a different context. However, extinction is limited as an abstinence model, because humans typically abstain because of negative consequences associated with excessive drinking. It is currently unknown whether alcohol-associated contexts can provoke relapse to alcohol seeking after alcohol-taking behavior is suppressed by adverse consequences in a different context. Methods: Alcohol-preferring P rats were first given home-cage access to 20% ethanol. Next, they were trained to self-administer 20% ethanol in one context (context A). Subsequently, all rats continued to self-administer alcohol in a different context (context B). For one group, 50% of alcohol-reinforced responses were punished by mild footshock; two other groups either received noncontingent shocks or no shock. A fourth group was given extinction training in context B. All rats were then tested for relapse to alcohol seeking under extinction conditions in contexts A and B. Results: In Context B, alcohol-taking behavior was suppressed by contingent shock (punishment) and extinction training but not by noncontingent shock. In Context A, relapse to alcohol seeking was reliably observed in the punished and extinction groups; a context switch had no effect on alcohol seeking in the no-shock or noncontingent shock groups. Conclusions: Our data indicate that punishment-induced suppression of alcohol-taking behavior is context-dependent. We propose that our procedure can be used to explore mechanisms of context-induced relapse to alcohol seeking after alcohol-taking behavior is suppressed by adverse consequences. ? 2013 Society of Biological Psychiatry.
机译:背景:大鼠研究表明,在与酒精摄入有关的环境中暴露,可以在不同情况下消除酒精增强的反应后,寻求酒精。但是,灭绝作为节制模式受到了限制,因为人类通常会因与过量饮酒相关的负面后果而弃权。目前尚不清楚与酒精相关的情境是否会引起饮酒行为复发,因为在另一种情境下,饮酒行为受到不良后果的抑制。方法:首先向喜欢酒精的P大鼠在家中提供20%的乙醇。接下来,他们接受了在一种情况下自我管理20%乙醇的培训(背景A)。随后,所有大鼠在不同的情况下继续自我饮酒(背景B)。对于一组,酒精引起的反应中有50%受到轻度的脚底震动的惩罚;另外两个小组则受到了非偶然性冲击或没有冲击。第四组在环境B中接受灭绝训练。然后在环境A和B中在灭绝条件下测试所有大鼠的饮酒复发。结果:在环境B中,偶然性休克(惩罚)和灭绝抑制了饮酒行为训练,但不是非偶然性的冲击。在情境A中,在受惩罚和灭绝的群体中可靠地观察到饮酒复发。在无休克或非偶然性休克组中,情境切换对寻求酒精没有影响。结论:我们的数据表明,惩罚诱导的饮酒行为抑制是与环境有关的。我们建议,我们的程序可用于探索因饮酒行为被不良后果抑制后,情境诱发的寻求酒精的复发机制。 ? 2013生物精神病学学会。



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