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The influence of near bed solids transport on first foul flush in combined sewers


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The problems associated with deposited sediments in sewers, and their transport through sewer systems have been the subject of detailed fieldwork programmes in the UK, and elsewhere in Europe. Existing laboratory, and some field based research exercises have focused on the relatively small, discrete particles. It is clear, however, that combined sewer systems have inputs which comprise of a significant proportion of large organic solids (faecal and food wastes), as well as the finer range of particle sizes. The increased concern regarding CSO spills into the environment has fuelled the recent development of sewer flow quality models, such as HYDROWORKS QM and MOUSETRAP, some of which make no attempt to represent the transport of these larger organic particles. Herein, the results of a collaborative research programme undertaken between three UK universities and a water authority are discussed. Transport at the bed in sewers, as "near bed solids", is defined. Based on a comprehensive data collection program undertaken in the Dundee combined sewerage system, a method is presented which may be used to estimate the rate of sediment transport near the bed in sewers. The influence that solids in transport near the bed have on first foul flush in combined sewers is discussed. A methodology is proposed which may be used to estimate the extent to which sediment in transport near the bed in sewers contributes to first. foul flush phenomena, by describing the movement of a storm wave along a conceptual sewer length. (C) 1998 IAWQ. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. [References: 19]
机译:与下水道中沉积的沉积物有关的问题及其通过下水道系统的运输一直是英国和欧洲其他地区详细实地调查计划的主题。现有的实验室以及一些基于现场的研究活动都集中在相对较小的离散颗粒上。但是很明显,联合的下水道系统的投入物包括很大比例的大型有机固体(粪便和食物垃圾),以及更细的粒径范围。人们越来越关注CSO泄漏到环境中,这推动了下水道水质模型的最新发展,例如HYDROWORKS QM和MOUSETRAP,其中一些没有试图代表这些较大的有机颗粒的运输。在此,讨论了三所英国大学与水务部门之间开展的一项合作研究计划的结果。定义为在下水道中床的运输,称为“近床固体”。基于在邓迪联合排污系统中进行的综合数据收集程序,提出了一种可用于估算排污床附近沉积物迁移速率的方法。讨论了床附近运输中的固体对联合下水道中第一次污物冲刷的影响。提出了一种方法,该方法可用于估计下水道床附近的运输中沉积物首先造成的程度。通过描述风暴波沿下水道长度方向的运动来形成犯规现象。 (C)1998 IAWQ。由Elsevier Science Ltd.发布[参考:19]。



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