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Integration of equalisation tanks within control strategies for anaerobic reactors. Validation based on ADM1 simulations


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The combination of equalisation tanks and anaerobic digesters represents a typical design scenario within the treatment of industrial wastewaters. In this context, if the hydraulic capacity of the equalisation tanks is effectively handled, significant improvements in the performance of anaerobic digesters can be achieved in terms of process stability and biogas production. This paper presents a rule-based control strategy for anaerobic reactors with the objective of maximising in the long-term the net production of biogas. The control algorithm combines real-time information about the state of the anaerobic digester with on-line measurements about the wastewater volume of the equalisation tank in order to set permanently the appropriate production of biogas. Such a strategy guarantees a continuous influent flow so that emptying and overflowing episodes in the equalisation tank can be prevented. Aiming at a further full-scale implementation, only reliable and cost-effective on-line instrumentation has been considered within the control architecture. The performance of the proposed control approach has been validated for an anaerobic hybrid configuration (AHR) by simulation using the IWA ADM1 model.
机译:均衡罐和厌氧消化池的组合代表了工业废水处理中的典型设计方案。在这种情况下,如果有效处理平衡罐的液压容量,则可以在过程稳定性和沼气生产方面实现厌氧消化池性能的显着改善。本文提出了一种基于规则的厌氧反应器控制策略,其目标是长期最大化沼气的净产量。该控制算法将有关厌氧消化池状态的实时信息与有关均衡罐废水量的在线测量相结合,以便永久设置适当的沼气产量。这样的策略保证了连续的进水,从而可以防止均衡罐中的排空和溢流。为了进一步全面实施,在控制体系结构内仅考虑了可靠且具有成本效益的在线仪表。通过使用IWA ADM1模型进行仿真,已针对厌氧混合配置(AHR)验证了所提出控制方法的性能。



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