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Bretheren in the temple of science - natural history across the class divide, Huddersfield, c1848-1865


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Despite the prominence of known Yorkshire naturalists such as Charles Waterton and the Rev F O Morris, the study of natural history was never the exclusive preserve of clergymen or gentlemen and, by the second half of the 19th Century, increasing interest in the subject was marked by the proliferation of local societies in the industrial towns and villages of the West Riding. The pursuit of natural history accorded well with the rising ethos of self education and improvement, evident in the growth ofMechanics' Institutes. It likewise provided an intellectual outlet for working men detached from the ideologies which had dominated many working class communities during the political and social conflicts of the turbulent 1830s and 1840s. Indeed, natural history provided a forum for all classes of society to meet in a fraternal atmosphere, where a person's merits were judged by the size of his herbarium or insect cabinet rather than social status. The societies brought into contact the autodidact handloom weaver, mill worker, artisan and small shopkeeper together with the educated professional clergyman, teacher and doctor, the wealthy merchant or manufacturer and even the occasional aristocrat. No doubt some degree of deference and observance of social protocols remained, but the picture that emerges is one of a degree of social and intellectual interaction across the class divide which is unparalleled, even at a time when local paternalism meant that events at church and chapel, at the Mechanics' Institute or the annual mill treat, made direct social contact between people of otherwise disparate social backgrounds far more common than it is today.
机译:尽管著名的约克郡博物学家如查尔斯·沃特顿(Charles Waterton)和牧师弗·莫里斯(Rev FO Morris)出类拔萃,但自然历史的研究从来都不是神职人员或绅士的专有财产,到19世纪下半叶,人们对该学科的兴趣日益浓厚西部骑马的工业城镇和村庄中当地社会的扩散。对自然历史的追求与不断提高的自我教育和改进的精神相吻合,这在机械研究所的发展中显而易见。同样,它为脱离意识形态的工人们提供了智力的出路,这些意识形态在动荡的1830年代和1840年代的政治和社会冲突中统治了许多工人阶级社区。的确,自然历史为所有社会阶层提供了一个在兄弟般的气氛中相遇的论坛,一个人的功绩是根据其标本室或昆虫柜的大小而不是社会地位来判断的。这些社团与自动织布机织工,纺织厂工人,工匠和小店主以及受过良好教育的专业牧师,老师和医生,富裕的商人或制造商,甚至是偶尔的贵族建立了联系。毫无疑问,人们仍然会尊重和遵守社会规章制度,但出现的情况是跨阶级分歧的社会和智力互动程度之一,这种交流是无与伦比的,即使在当地家长式的行为意味着教堂和教堂发生事件的时候在机械研究所或每年的工厂招待会上,使具有不同社会背景的人们之间的直接社会接触比今天更加普遍。



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