首页> 外文期刊>Virology >Prime-boost vaccination with plasmid DNA encoding caprine-arthritis encephalitis lentivirus env and viral SU suppresses challenge virus and development of arthritis.

Prime-boost vaccination with plasmid DNA encoding caprine-arthritis encephalitis lentivirus env and viral SU suppresses challenge virus and development of arthritis.


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This study evaluated the efficacy of prime-boost vaccination for immune control of caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV), a macrophage tropic lentivirus that causes progressive arthritis in the natural host. Vaccination of Saanen goats with pUC-based plasmid DNA expressing CAEV env induces T helper type 1 (Th1) biased immune responses to vector-encoded surface envelope (SU), and the plasmid-primed Th1 response is expanded following boost with purified SU in Freund's incomplete adjuvant (SU-FIA) (J. C. Beyer et al., 2001, Vaccine 19, 1643-1651). Four goats vaccinated with env expression plasmids and boosted with SU-FIA were challenged intravenously with 1 x 10(4) TCID(50) of CAEV at 428 days after SU-FIA boost and evaluated by immunological, virological, and disease criteria. Controls included two goats primed with pUC18 and eight unvaccinated goats. Goats receiving prime-boost vaccination with CAEV env plasmids and SU-FIA became infected but suppressed postchallenge virus replication, provirus loads in lymph node, and development of arthritis for at least 84 weeks.
机译:这项研究评估了初免-加强免疫接种对山羊关节炎-脑炎病毒(CAEV)的免疫控制的功效,CAEV是一种巨噬细胞嗜性慢病毒,可在自然宿主中引起进行性关节炎。用表达CAEV env的基于pUC的质粒DNA疫苗对Saanen山羊进行疫苗接种可诱导针对载体编码表面包膜(SU)的T辅助型1(Th1)偏向免疫反应,并在弗氏氏囊中用纯化的SU加强免疫后,由质粒引发的Th1反应得以扩展。不完全佐剂(SU-FIA)(JC Beyer et al。,2001,Vaccine 19,1643-1651)。在SU-FIA加强免疫后428天,用1 x 10(4)TCID(50)CAEV静脉注射四只接种env表达质粒并经SU-FIA加强免疫的山羊,并通过免疫,病毒学和疾病标准进行评估。对照包括两只用pUC18灌注的山羊和八只未接种疫苗的山羊。接受CAEV env质粒和SU-FIA初免-加强疫苗接种的山羊受到感染,但抑制了攻击后病毒复制,淋巴结中的前病毒负荷以及关节炎的发展,至少持续了84周。



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