首页> 外文期刊>The International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry >Tissue-engineered bilayered cell therapy for the treatment of oral mucosal defects: a case series.

Tissue-engineered bilayered cell therapy for the treatment of oral mucosal defects: a case series.


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In this case series, a tissue-engineered bilayered live cell therapy (LCT) is examined as an alternative to free gingival grafts in subjects with oral mucosal defects. Four patients with five sites requiring mucogingival surgery because of limited vestibular depth and limited keratinized oral mucosa were selected for treatment. All included patients had limited graft availability or preferred to avoid autogenous soft tissue grafting. The oral mucosal defects were treated with a tissue-engineered bilayered LCT, a circular disk of allogeneic live, human-derived, confluent, and bilayered keratinocyte and fibroblast cells. Sites were evaluated for wound healing, histologic appearance of the regenerated mucosa, and DNA persistence of the LCT. All sites healed uneventfully, with complete epithelialization by 14 days postoperative and no significant adverse events. The treated sites matched the surrounding tissues in both texture and color. Histologic samples revealed gingival tissue architecture characterized by a parakeratinized epithelium with a very sparse and diffuse chronic inflammatory response within the connective tissue. DNA persistence indicated that the pairs of samples (swab and biopsy) collected from each subject displayed the same identifier DNA, with no evidence of any other source. Further research is needed to evaluate the utility of LCT in clinical practice.
机译:在这个案例系列中,对组织工程化的双层活细胞疗法(LCT)进行了检查,以替代口腔粘膜缺损患者的游离牙龈移植物。选择了由于前庭深度有限和角化口腔粘膜有限而需要行粘膜龈手术的五个位置的四名患者。所有纳入的患者均具有有限的移植物可用性或倾向于避免自体软组织移植。口腔粘膜缺损用组织工程双层LCT,异体活,人源性,融合性和双层角质形成细胞和成纤维细胞的圆盘处理。评价部位的伤口愈合,再生粘膜的组织学外观以及LCT的DNA持久性。所有部位均愈合良好,术后14天完全上皮化,无明显不良反应。处理过的部位在质地和颜色上都与周围组织匹配。组织学样本显示了牙龈组织结构,其特征为角化角化上皮,在结缔组织内具有非常稀疏的弥漫性慢性炎症反应。 DNA持久性表明,从每个受试者收集的成对样品(拭子和活组织检查)显示相同的标识符DNA,没有任何其他来源的证据。需要进一步的研究来评估LCT在临床实践中的实用性。



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