首页> 外文期刊>Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira >Facial paralysis and vestibular syndrome in feedlot cattle in Argentina

Facial paralysis and vestibular syndrome in feedlot cattle in Argentina


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This paper reports 6 outbreaks of neurological disease associated with paralysis of the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves caused by intracranial space occupying lesions in feedlot cattle. The clinical signs obsen/ed were characterized by head tilt,uni or bilateral drooping and paralysis of the ears, eyelid ptosis, keratoconjunctivitis, and different degrees of ataxia. Morbidity and mortality rates ranged from 1.1 to 50% and 0 to.1%, respectively. Gross lesions obsen/ed included yellow, thickened leptomeninges, and marked enlargement of the roots of cranial nerves VII (facial) and VIII (vestibulocochlear). Histopathologically, there was severe, chronic, granulomatous meningitis and, in one case, chronic, granulomatous neuritis of the VII and VIIIcranial nen/es. Attempts to identify bacterial, viral, or parasitic agents were unsuccessful. Based on the morphologic lesions, the clinical condition was diagnosed as facial paralysis and vestibular syndrome associated with space occupying lesions in the meninges and the cranial nen/es VII and VIII. Feedlot is a practice of growing diffusion in our country and this is a first report of outbreaks of facial paralysis and vestibular disease associated with space occupying lesions in Argentina.
机译:本文报告了由饲养场牛的颅内空间占位性病变引起的与面部和前庭球神经麻痹相关的6例神经系统疾病暴发。所观察到的临床体征的特征是头部倾斜,耳朵的单侧或双侧下垂和麻痹,眼睑下垂,角膜结膜炎和不同程度的共济失调。发病率和死亡率分别为1.1%至50%和0%至1.%。观察到的大的病灶包括黄色的,软脑膜增厚,以及颅神经VII(面部)和VIII(葡萄球菌)的根部明显增大。在组织病理学上,存在严重的,慢性的肉芽肿性脑膜炎,在一种情况下,是VII和VIII型颅脑的慢性肉芽肿性神经炎。尝试识别细菌,病毒或寄生虫剂均未成功。根据形态学病变,将临床状况诊断为面部麻痹和前庭综合征,伴有脑膜,颅脑VII / ES和VIII的占位性病变。饲养场是在我国不断​​扩散的一种做法,这是阿根廷首次出现与空间占用病灶有关的面瘫和前庭疾病暴发。



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