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A century of shorebirds - public participation and conservation science


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As Wader Study Group Bulletin readers and contributors will be aware, Delaware Bay in the NE United States has been a site of extensive shorebird study for over two decades, as well as the locus of a heated political debate over the effects of horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus harvest on shorebird populations - the rufa subspecies of Red Knot Calidris canutus getting much of the attention. The expertise informing this debate is part of a longer history of science and policy concerning the conservation of shorebirds and other migratory wildlife in North America. Following Peter Alagona's suggestion that professional history and biology can mutually benefit each other (Alagona 2004), this essay presents a partial synopsis of shorebird study and conservation in North America, drawing attention to the legal and institutional contexts that have surrounded these birds over the last century or so. At the turn of the twentieth century, and again at the turn of the twenty-first, shorebirds like the Red Knot have found themselves embroiled in environmental crises. In both cases, fears of extinction prompted study of, and intervention in, animal populations by wildlife agencies in the U.S. and Canada. Separated by nearly a century, however, the particular forms of these interventions were shaped by the institutional homes and mandates of the wildlife biologists involved. Spanning the ebb and flow of shorebird science and conservation, however, has been enthusiastic volunteer involvement in field ornithology (bird counts, banding, etc.). The essay concludes, therefore, with some reflections on the value of encouraging and maintaining public participation in shorebird science.
机译:正如《瓦德研究小组公告》的读者和贡献者所知道的那样,美国东北部的特拉华湾在过去的二十多年里一直是广泛的bird鸟研究的场所,也是有关crab蟹Limul的影响的激烈政治辩论的场所对水鸟种群的收获-红结Calidris canutus的rufa亚种引起了很多关注。引起这场辩论的专业知识是有关北美保护水鸟和其他迁徙野生生物的科学和政策的悠久历史的一部分。根据彼得·阿拉贡(Peter Alagona)的建议,专业史和生物学可以互惠互利(Alagona 2004),本文提出了北美水鸟研究和保护的部分内容提要,提请人们注意上一遍围绕这些鸟类的法律和制度背景世纪左右。在二十世纪初,再到二十一世纪初,像红结这样的水鸟发现自己陷入了环境危机。在这两种情况下,对灭绝的恐惧促使美国和加拿大的野生动植物机构研究并干预了动物种群。然而,相隔将近一个世纪,这些干预措施的特殊形式是由所涉野生生物生物学家的机构住所和职责决定的。但是,志愿人员热衷于参与野鸟鸟类学(鸟类数量,条带等),跨越了水鸟科学和自然保护的潮起潮落。因此,本文的结论是对鼓励和保持公众参与水鸟科学的价值的一些思考。



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