首页> 外文期刊>Vision Research: An International Journal in Visual Science >Endogenous attention selection during binocular rivalry at early stages of visual processing.

Endogenous attention selection during binocular rivalry at early stages of visual processing.


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Directing attention to one of two superimposing surfaces composed of dot fields rotating in opposing directions facilitates processing of brief translations of the attended surface [Valdes-Sosa, M., Bobes, M. A., Rodriguez, V., & Pinilla, T. (1998). Switching attention without shifting the spotlight object-based attentional modulation of brain potentials. Journal of Cognition and Neuroscience, 10(1), 137-151]. Here we used ERP recordings to investigate the mechanisms of endogenous attentional selection of such competing dot surfaces under conditions of dichoptic viewing (one surface to each eye) and monocular viewing (both surfaces to one eye). Under dichoptic conditions, which induced binocular rivalry, translations of the attended surface presented to one eye elicited enhanced visual P1 and N1 ERP components relative to translations of the unattended surface presented to the other eye. In comparison, during monocular viewing the attended surface translations elicited a significantly larger N1 component in the absence of any P1 modulation. These results indicate that processing of the attended surface is biased at an earlier level in extrastriate visual cortex under conditions of inter-ocular versus intra-ocular competition.
机译:将注意力转移到由沿相反方向旋转的点场组成的两个叠加表面之一中,可以方便处理所涉及的表面[Valdes-Sosa,M.,Bobes,MA,Rodriguez,V.,&Pinilla,T.(1998) 。切换注意力而不改变聚光灯的基于对象的脑电注意调制。认知与神经科学杂志,10(1),137-151]。在这里,我们使用ERP记录来研究在两眼观察(每只眼睛的一个表面)和单眼观察(两只手的两个表面)下这种竞争点表面的内源性注意选择机制。在导致双眼竞争的两极分化条件下,相对于呈现给另一只眼睛的无人值守表面的翻译,呈现给一只眼睛的参与表面的平移引发了增强的视觉P1和N1 ERP组件。相比之下,在单眼观察期间,在没有任何P1调制的情况下,参与的表面平移会引发明显更大的N1分量。这些结果表明,在眼内竞争与眼内竞争的条件下,外表面视觉皮层中对被护理表面的处理偏向于较早的水平。



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