首页> 外文期刊>Vision Research: An International Journal in Visual Science >Perceptual learning of motion direction discrimination transfers to an opposite direction with TPE training

Perceptual learning of motion direction discrimination transfers to an opposite direction with TPE training


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Motion direction learning is known to be specific to the trained direction. However, in this study we used our recently developed TPE (training-plus-exposure) method to demonstrate that motion direction learning can transfer to an opposite direction. Specifically, we first replicated the strict direction specificity of motion direction learning with a group of moving dots. However, when the participants were exposed to the opposite direction in an irrelevant dot number discrimination task, either simultaneously with motion direction training or at a later time, but not in a reversed order, motion direction learning transferred to the opposite direction significantly and sometimes completely. These results suggest that motion direction learning may be a high-level process in which the brain learns the potentially transfer-rable rules of reweighting the motion direction inputs. However, we speculate that high-level learning may not functionally connect to sensory neurons that are tuned to other directions but are not stimulated during training, which leads to direction specificity. It is the stimulus exposure in TPE training that connects high-level learning to the exposed opposite direction to enable learning transfer.
机译:已知运动方向学习是特定于训练方向的。但是,在这项研究中,我们使用了我们最近开发的TPE(训练加曝光)方法来证明运动方向学习可以向相反的方向转移。具体来说,我们首先用一组运动点复制了运动方向学习的严格方向特异性。但是,当参与者在无关的点数判别任务中处于相反的方向时,或者与运动方向训练同时进行,或者在以后的某个时间,但又没有相反的顺序,运动方向学习会明显转移到相反的方向,有时会完全转移到相反的方向。这些结果表明,运动方向学习可能是一个高级过程,在此过程中,大脑将学习重新加权运动方向输入的潜在可传递规则。但是,我们推测,高级学习可能无法与感觉神经元在功能上相关联,而感觉神经元已调适到其他方向,但在训练过程中并未受到刺激,从而导致方向特异性。 TPE培训中的刺激暴露将高层次的学习与暴露的相反方向联系起来,以实现学习转移。



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