首页> 外文期刊>Vision Research: An International Journal in Visual Science >Constant light rearing disrupts compensation to imposed- but not induced-hyperopia and facilitates compensation to imposed myopia in chicks.

Constant light rearing disrupts compensation to imposed- but not induced-hyperopia and facilitates compensation to imposed myopia in chicks.


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PURPOSE: While rearing chicks in constant light (CL) inhibits anterior segment growth, these conditions also induce excessive enlargement of the vitreous chamber. The mechanisms underlying these effects are poorly understood although it has been speculated that the enlarged vitreous chambers are a product of emmetropization, a compensatory response to the altered anterior segments. We examined the ability of eyes to compensate to defocusing lenses in CL as a direct test of their ability to emmetropize. We also studied recovery responses, i.e. from lens-induced changes in CL as well as CL-induced changes alone or combined with lens-induced changes in eyes returned to normal diurnal lighting (NL). METHODS: Hatchling White-Leghorn chicks were reared in either CL or NL (control) lighting conditions (n=36) for 2 weeks, with lenses of either +10 or -10D power fitted to one eye of all chicks at the beginning of the second week. The lenses were removed at the end of the same week, at which time some CL chicks (n=14) were shifted to NL, the rest of the chicks remaining in their respective original lighting conditions. Retinoscopy, IR photo-keratometry and high-frequency A-scan ultrasonography were used to track refractions, corneal radii of curvature and ocular axial dimensions, respectively; data were collected on experimental days 0, 7, 9, 14 and 21. RESULTS: Under CL, eyes showed near normal, albeit slightly exaggerated responses to +10D lenses while the response to -10D lenses was disrupted. With +10D lenses, lens-wearing eyes became more hyperopic (RE), and had shorter vitreous chambers (VC) and optical axial lengths (OL) relative to their fellows by the end of the lens period [RE: +10.5+/-1.5D, CL, +8.25+/-2.5D, NL; VC: -0.363+/-0.129mm, CL; -0.306+/-0.110mm, NL; OL: -0.493+/-0.115mm, CL, -0.379+/-0.106mm, NL (mean interocular difference+/-SD)]. With -10D lenses, the NL group showed a myopic shift in RE and increased elongation of both VC depth and OL (RE: -10.75+/-2.0D; VC depth: 0.554+/-0.097mm; OL: 0.746+/-0.166mm), while the CL group showed a small hyperopic shift in RE (+4.0+/-6.0D). Nonetheless, CL eyes were able to recover from lens-induced hyperopia, whether they were left in CL or returned to NL. One week of exposure to NL was sufficient to reverse the effects of 2 weeks of CL on anterior and vitreous chamber dimensions. CONCLUSION: CL impairs emmetropization. Specifically, it disrupts compensation to lens-imposed hyperopia but not imposed myopia. However, CL eyes are able to recover from lens-induced hyperopia, suggesting that the mechanisms underlying the compensatory responses to defocusing lenses are different from those involved in recovery responses. The ocular growth effects of CL on young eyes are reversible under NL.
机译:目的:虽然在恒定光照(CL)下饲养小鸡会抑制前节的生长,但这些情况也会引起玻璃体腔过大。尽管据推测扩大的玻璃体腔是正视作用的产物,正视作用是对改变的前节的补偿性反应,但对这些作用的潜在机制了解甚少。我们检查了眼睛补偿CL中散焦镜片的能力,作为其屈光能力的直接测试。我们还研究了恢复反应,即由晶状体引起的CL变化以及单独由CL引起的变化或与晶状体引起的眼睛恢复正常日光(NL)的变化相结合。方法:在CL或NL(对照)光照条件下(n = 36),将孵化的白来哥角雏鸡饲养2周,在开始时将+10或-10D屈光度数的镜片安装在所有雏鸡的一只眼睛上。第二周。在同一周结束时取下镜片,这时将一些CL小鸡(n = 14)转移到NL,其余小鸡保持各自的原始光照条件。检影法,红外照相角膜测定法和高频A扫描超声检查分别跟踪屈光,角膜曲率半径和眼轴尺寸。在实验的第0、7、9、14和21天收集数据。结果:在CL下,眼睛显示接近正常,尽管对+ 10D镜片的反应略微夸大,而对-10D镜片的反应却被打乱。使用+ 10D镜片时,配戴眼镜的眼睛变得更远视(RE),并且在镜片周期结束时相对于同伴,其玻璃体腔(VC)和光轴长度(OL)较短[RE:+10.5 +/- 1.5D,CL,+8.25 +/- 2.5D,NL; VC:-0.363 +/- 0.129mm,CL; -0.306 +/- 0.110mm,NL; OL:-0.493 +/- 0.115mm,CL,-0.379 +/- 0.106mm,NL(平均眼差+/- SD)。对于-10D镜片,NL组的RE发生近视移位,VC深度和OL的伸长率均增加(RE:-10.75 +/- 2.0D; VC深度:0.554 +/- 0.097mm; OL:0.746 +/- 0.166mm),而CL组的RE则有少量的远视移位(+4.0 +/- 6.0D)。尽管如此,无论是保留在CL中还是返回NL,CL眼都能从晶状体引起的远视中恢复。一周的NL暴露足以逆转2周的CL对前房和玻璃体腔尺寸的影响。结论:CL损害正视化。具体而言,它会破坏对晶状体造成的远视的补偿,但不会强加近视。但是,CL眼睛能够从晶状体引起的远视中恢复,这表明对散焦晶状体的补偿反应所基于的机制与恢复反应所涉及的机制不同。在NL下,CL对年轻眼睛的眼部生长作用是可逆的。



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